Russians/Northerners Arc 4 - A New Friends, and an Attack?!!

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Shtorm Ship, Command Room

Now Shtorm, Yuri, Kuznetsov, Slava, and Ushakov are looking to the hologram revealing an image of a large-scale Sirens fleet.

All: "Hah!.. Huh!.. Hah!.. Huh!.. Hah!.. Huh!.. Hah!.. Huh!.. What Happened?!"

Irian: "Why you call us?"

Shtorm: "Glad you here, comrades!"

Rossiya: "Is there something wrong?"

Yuri: "Yes!"

Yuri type something and the hologram revealing the large-scale Sirens fleet.

Belorussiya: "Hah?!.. That's Sirens?!"

Kirov: "What happened! Ushakov?!"

Ushakov: "Calm down mom, I know you're worry..."

Kuznetsov: "Recently, Lider has intercept something in the northern part of the Union... Yuri!"

Yuri: "I've been launch some scout plane to there, and here's what I found..."

Then Yuri revealing several image of the Siren fleet on northern part of Northern Parliament.

Tallin: "That place..."

Avrora: "Rossiya! That's..."

While Rossiya only wided her eyes.

Slava: "Do you know this place?"

Ushakov: "Mom, is there something there? Or what?"

Kirov: "That place is where exactly the Lovit Rybu Town is!"

Medan: "Wait, Lovit Rybu?"

Shtorm: "That meaning for fishing in Russians. Oh wait... That mean—!"

Kuznetsov: "There's a fishing town in there. Yuri!"

Yuri: "Da!"

Yuri zoomed the image and found a fishing town in there.

Slava: "A fishing town?! But I thought there's no human that living in the shores!"

Rossiya: "It is! But without the sea food supplies, the economics can fall!"

Irian: "How many fishing town that still exist?"

Belorussiya: "There's 4 fishing town, near there."

Rossiya: "If the Sirens attack the Lovit Rybu, meaning—"

Kuznetsov: "They want to destroy the economics, then following the fallen of the Union so they can invade the Union and conquer both East Europe, North and Central Asia."

Yuri: "If that happened, it can be the biggest threat for the Asians and Europeans factions. They can conquer the Europe and Asian in short times!"

Shtorm: "We won't that happened!"

Medan: "Where is Moskva and other?"

Slava: "They now in the dock, we need to moves. Now!"

Shtorm: "Yuri! Go with them!"

Then they all out from the room and quickly go to the docks, leaving Shtorm in his ship alone.

Harbor, Dock Port

They now arrive in the dock, seeing Moskva and other preparing themself.

Moskva: "You finally here, comrades!"

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