Russian/Northerners Arc 2 - WELCOME TO THE UNION!!! COMRADES!!!!

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Northern Parliament Base

In the Northern Parliament base, in the command room. There's a woman who walk around the room, thinking something.

Rossiya: "Where are you now, sister??"

As she thinking about her sister, suddenly someone in.

Avrora: "Rossiya, what happen??"

Rossiya: "Ah! Comrade Avrora. Just nothing, I'm just thinking about my sister condition..."

Avrora: "You mean Belorussiya?"

Rossiya: "Yes. It's been 7 hours since she contacted me, I worried about her..."

Avrora: "Are you already check the radio again?"

Rossiya: "I Already check it. But nothing, she not responds."

While Avrora and Rossiya talking about Belorussiya, someone other enter the room.

Gangut: "Comrade Rossiya!!"

Rossiya: "What is it Gangut??"

Gangut: "Comrade Belorussiya has arrive!"

Rossiya: "Belorussiya?! Has arrive?!"

Gangut: "Yes! In the port! But she's not alone..."

In the Port

Meanwhile in the port, the Russians including Irian, Medan, and Belorussiya already arrive in the port.

Dimitri: "So! This is Northern Parliament Base?!"

Slava: "Its looks like St. Petersburg port, but World War 2 version when the city still named Leningrad..."

Irian: "Huhh... Really cold, at least I wear a winter cloth. Thanx lil' brother."

Medan: "Welcome abang. By the way, Belorussiya, where is your sister?"

Belorussiya: "There! There she is!"

Then Belorussiya point her finger to Rossiya that walking to the port along with Avrora and several peoples.

Belorussiya: "Sister!!!"

With Rossiya

Belorussiya: "Sister!!!"

Rossiya: "Huh?.. Belorussiya?!!"

With quickly Rossiya running away and hug her sister.

Rossiya: "Belorussiya! You finally back. I thought something happen to you."

Belorussiya: "Well, actually I were ambushed by the Sirens in the middle of my journey."

Rossiya: "Sirens?!!"

Belorussiya: "Yes. But don't worry, I'm okay. I get saved by him."

Belorussiya point her finger at Medan, and Medan wave his hand as hi. Then Rossiya approach Medan and began to asking.

Rossiya: "Are you the man from another world who sent by the Azur Lane??"

Medan: "Yes I'm."

Rossiya: "Thank you for saving my sister."

Medan: "Your welcome. It's my duty to keep the other save."

Rossiya: "By the way, I thought you're coming alone? Why there's other."

Medan: "Well miss Rossiya. They from the same world as me, they're my friends."

All: "Privet."

Medan: "And this is my brother."

Modern Day Warships to Another World(Azur Lane x OC's) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now