Chinese/Dragonians Arc 1 - We've Arrive!!

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In West Pacific Region

The West Pacific Region, the west region was the region of both Dragon Empery and Sakura Empire, as the war between Azur Lane and Red Axis were erupted, the region were split up. The Sakura were dominated on the region, but for the Dragon, they only have small territory to have.

The Dragon Empery having too much problems with some Sirens on the region. On this last weeks, the Sirens activity were increased, the Dragonians were overwhelm by them. Not like the Northern Parliament, they not have Battleship and have small amount of Cruisers and Destroyers, even they have one Carrier, they have no power to rebelling the Sirens attack and avoid another attack.

The Sakura Empire were a threat, but the Sirens were the highly threat for them.

In the West Pacific Region, there were one gigantic Carrier and two Light Cruisers as the escort of the Carrier.

Macau: "How long we will arrive to there?"

Ning Hai: "It's not too long, we will arrive soon.."

They keep sails as they see some Sirens wreck all the way.

Macau: "Damn.. What happened in here?"

Ping Hai: "We don't know.."

Ning Hai: "We better hurry up!"

They add their speed to Macau City Port, worried that the city were under attack, because they were neared with that city now. As they added their speed, they received a distress signal.

Macau: "Wait.. A distress signal?"

Ping Hai: "This signals..."

Ning Hai: "It's Lady Yat Sen?!"

Macau: "Lady Yat Sen?"

Ping Hai: "She's our leader."

Ning Hai: "If Lady Yat Sen sending a distress signals, that's mean—"

Macau: "There's must be some sort of attack, we better hurry!"

They sailing quicker as they could, if they can reach Macau City. If they can...

Outside of Macau City Port




















The situation were worser, the Dragonians were overwhelmed and began to retreating on the city, but there were several civilian that still evacuated from the city.

Yat Sen: "Hold the line! We need to protect the city as we could!!"

Hai Tien: "We couldn't hold any longer! Lady Yat Sen!!"

Modern Day Warships to Another World(Azur Lane x OC's) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now