Chinese/Dragonians Arc 3 - Repairment? And Getting Upgradation! Even Refit!!!

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Mess Hall, Dragon Empery

Today is a sunny day, good to complete the repairment. As the Chinese out from their bedroom, they began go to the mess hall first to breakfast, then to the drydocks to complete the repairment.

Ying Swei: "Oh hey! You all wake up?"

Hubei: "Yeah, we all want to take a breakfast, then go to the drydocks to completed the repairment."

Taipei: "You all can seat here..."

The Dragonians take their seat and then Henan, Huey, Liaoning, and Liang bring the breakfasts, with helps of some Manjuus.

Huey: "Here's the breakfasts!"

They put the breakfasts, and it's like the last night, the some of the Dragonians were looking the breakfasts with eyes full of stars.

Chiang: "Let's eat..!"

All: "Qǐng nín yòngcān!!"
(Enjoy your meal!!)

And they began to eat their breakfasts.

Chang Chun: "Hmm!!.. The taste is likes yesterday!"

Hai Chi: "The food really great!!"

Huang: "Looks like you like it."

Hai Tien: "I think you really good at cooking..."

Hen/Huey/Lia: "Thank you..."

Yat Sen: "Will you become our chef for the mess hall?"

Hen/Huey/Lia: "Of course!"

Yat Sen: "Thank you.."

Chen: "This food is never make me disappoint!"

Hubei: "The idea to make them three become the chef of the mess hall, I think I like it.."

Henan: "Thank you, xiōngdì."

As they eating their breakfasts, the were talking to each other. For the Dragonians, this is a new thing they through, sometimes they only talking to each-others, but not like this. For them it's more crowded, but they enjoyed, even they need to adapt first.

-Time Skip-
(Brought to you by: Xiangke began to hunting some 'animals'...)

Drydocks, Dragon Empery

After taking breakfast, they began heading to the drydocks, as they seeing the Dragonians ships were still on the drydocks, waiting for the complete repairment.

Chen Hai: "Can we help you?"

Taipei: "Well, you can."

Matsu: "Alright! It's time for repairment!!"

After that, they began the repairment, with the help of the Manjuus. The Dragonians helping them too as they were repairing their ships.

On Board of Chen Hai Ship

The flight deck were heavily damaged, the hull is damaged too. The condition of the ship is still float, after the emergency repair yesterday, the ship will be sail soon.

Chen Hai: "Can you repair my ship?"

Taipei: "We already do the emergency repair yesterday, if there's no obstacle, this ship will ready in afternoon."

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