Chill babe! I'm just messing with you , don't need your panty in a knot I said smiling evily at her

Your such a Bitch! She spat eyes peered at me
You love me anyways I retorted I'm starting to sound like Chrysler,
your so going to play! She grabbed my arm yanking me out of my relaxation spot great.. I tried to whine But- I was cut No Buts Just play! This is your punishment she growled , owwwwwwwkay I did this to myself , We walked towards where the other player's are , obviously the other players on Emcii's team has the questioning look, if you know me in highschool you'll definitely don't want me in your team, I'm no sports person , but you know when you go to college and meet new people whom know nothing about you you'll discover thing you didn't know you can do , and that happened to me, now I play different kinds of sports , volleyball is lease of my favorites but I can be a decent player when I wanted to, I play for my department every Sports Week, Pamii was also in Emciis team and they both caught what other team players could be thinking
Guys! You better not think lowly of her if I were you, Trust me, you want her in your team instead of the opposing she warned so confidently that's my friend right there.
Trust her Emcii added smiling at me , my team mates expressions change from questioning to reassured, I smiled not until Queen Bitch spoked my attention was shot across the net

So you play now huh! She spat guess college do good to you, I never knew leaving everything behind can make a person into a whole new one she said venomously flicking her tongue at the last word , that statement of hers made my blood boil and who might be the reason I wanted to forget, actually I have no idea why this girl needed to do that to me back then, what is her problem with me ,I don't even remember I did something bad to her ,

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