38. I Had No Idea

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"Are you sure I need all these stuck to me" Roman asks as I stick the last sensor to his abdomen.

"Very necessary, it's the only way you will truly feel what I went through" I smile as he lays back on the couch and places his arms behind his head

"Alright hit the button babygirl, let's see what you've got" he smirks

Not long after we had brought Luna home I had ordered a tens machine, I had meant what I said when I told him I was going to show him exactly how it felt, and now the time was here. My finacee was smirking up at me as I held the control in my hand the was going to be so much fun.

"Alright this is level 1" I say "I'm going to start you off easy" I say switching it on

"Not too bad, doable" he shrugs "You're going to have to better than that"

"Oh really?" I say raising an eyebrow "Ok how about we skip straight to level 4" I say turning the dial

"That's not so baaaaaaaaad" he growls wrapping his arms over his abdomen "damn no wonder he don't want to give birth again" he pants

"Oh that was just a menstrual cramp" I chuckle "I haven't got to labour yet"

"Are you serious? How do you cope with that every month?" He asks eyes wide

"It's part of being a woman" I say "you men have it so easy you don't even realise, ok im going to crank this up to early labour" I smile

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" He gasps loudly "Ok, alright, I quit, I tap, I do not want to know what full labour feels like"

"Now do you understand why I'm not sure?" I ask turning it off

"Yes I do" he pants "but next time you might have time for pain relief"

Giving him my best are you serious look I turn the machin back on and crank it right up to full labour, his eyes practically pop out of his head as he writhes around on the couch before falling on the floor.

"Ok Ok I get it please turn it off" he begs causing me to laugh as I turn the machine off "that was just mean babygirl, why did you have to do me like that?"

"To make my point" I say helping him up "Yes Luna was worth all the pain, but now you understand just how painful it is"

"How about this? We get a surrogate for the next one?" He suggests and I look at him with wide eyes

"No, I don't want some one else carrying our baby" I say shaking my head "if we have more I want to carry them, I loved being pregnant"

"Doesn't that tell you something babygirl" he smiles "you might not have been keen on the pain but you would do it all again"

"You're right" I nod "but let's just enjoy Luna for a while"

"Deal, now can we get this torture device off of me" he asks and I chuckle, slowly peeling up the corner of one I grip it before ripping it off "Aarrgghh oh come on there was no need for that" he gasps

"I'm sorry I couldn't resist" I chuckle as I slowly remove the rest before putting the machine on the table, Roman reaches out and pulls me down on to him wrapping his arms around me before softly kissing my temple.

"You are amazing do you know that?" He asks "I don't know how you managed to get through all that pain, I swear I'm marrying wonder woman"

"I don't know about that" I smile "but it's not like I had a choice, once it's happening you just have to go with it"

"Well I have a new found respect for women" he says "y'all are badasses"

Our peaceful moment is broken by the sounds of our daughter grumbling through the baby moniter and I reluctantly lift myself off Romans bare chest.

"I'll go" he says sitting up "it was probably my shouting that woke her so I owe her an apology" he says pecking my lips

"I hope you didn't scare her" I say "it may be difficult to get her to settle"

"She'll be fine don't worry" he says standing up and heading towards the stairs "she knows she's safe with daddy"

As I watch him walk away I'm all to aware of just how lucky I am, after everything I don't deserve to be but here I am with a beautiful baby girl fathered by the most loving man I have ever known, and we are building a future together.

"Roman" I call out and he stops on the stairs and turns to look at me "I love you" I smile

"I love you too babygirl" he smiles blowing me a kiss before heading the rest of the way upstairs.

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