10. A Wish Your Heart Makes

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Jade POV

Standing on the balcony I lean on the railings and hold my hand out in front of me. As I watch the diamond on my finger glint in the sun I can't keep the smile from my face.

A gentle breeze blows my hair back from my face and I close my eyes as I enjoy the cool feeling on my skin. Strong arms wrap around my waist and soft lips gently kiss my neck. I look down at the large hands that are sat flat on my baby bump and I place my own on top of them.

"Good morning babygirl" he says in that low deep voice that I find so sexy

"Good morning gorgeous" I smile as I lean back against him

"How are you feeling?" He asks "is our little lady behaving?"

"I feel great and I think she's sleeping at the moment" I smile as we run our hands over my bump.

"I love you so much" he says turning me to face him and kissing me lovingly.

The next thing I see is the ceiling of the hotel room we're staying in, when I move the covers my bump is gone and Trevor is sleeping soundly beside me.
I run my hands over my face and let out a soft sigh as I sit up in bed, I'm not sure how much more of this I can take.

It had been two weeks since I let Roman go and ever since then I'd had the same dream every night. Randomly my mind had turned to my favourite movie growing up and the lyric to one of the songs "A dream is a wish your makes" could that really be what this is? Is my heart trying to tell me something?

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get Roman out of my mind, everytime I thought about him I would see the hurt and tears in his eyes, I would remember how I felt when I walked away and then I'd become confused because for the life of me I couldn't work out what I wanted.

"You ok baby?" Trevor asks as he wraps his arms around me and kisses my shoulder

"Yeah just a bad dream, I'll be fine you go back to sleep" I say turning my head to kiss his cheek

"You've been having bad dreams a lot lately" he says "I worried about you"

"I'm fine honestly, they're just silly dreams" I say "come on let's lay down and go back to sleep"

Trevor tightens his arms around me and lays me down with him, he snuggles up close behind me and nuzzles into my neck and all I want to do is cry, becuase all I feel is guilty and not about him.

Next day

Roman POV

Thank god I only have a backstage segment tonight because honestly I don't think I could focus on a match. Two weeks without her and I was going crazy.

I had tried to forget about her but I couldn't, I love her and the longer I'm away from her the angrier I get, but the thing is I'm only angry at one person - Trevor. None of this was his fault but he has what I want, he has Jade and it's killing me.

To make matters worse tonight he's challenging me for my title, so now I'm going to have to work with him, which means I'll see her.
I'm shaken from my thoughts by a soft knock on the door, as I turn it opens slowly and Jade walks in the room.

I feel my heart lift and I can't keep the smile from my face as she walks towards me but when I go to hug her she stops me.

"This isn't what you think" she says "I know your angry about what happened with us so I've come to ask you not to hurt Trevor in your match next week, none of this is his fault"

"I would never hurt him" I say "I know that if I hurt him I'd hurt you and that is the last thing I want to do babygirl" I say and a small smile plays on her lips

"I've missed hearing you call me that" she says "I've missed you, you're not the only one finding this hard"

"I've missed you too" I sigh "but you chose him and I have to accept that"

"I'm just trying to do the right thing" she sighs

"The right thing?" I ask and she nods "You're staying with him becuase you think it's the right thing to do, but is it what you want?" I ask taking her hands I mine

"I'm not sure if it is anymore" she says looking at our hands, I place a finger under her chin and lift her face so her eyes meet mine and I see the tears pooling in her eyes.

I wrap my arms around her and pull her to me, she sobs into my chest as I rub gentle circles on her back. She looks up at me again  and I can't help myself, I lean down and kiss her lovingly and to my surprise she kisses me back.

All to soon the kiss ends when some one knocks on the door

"Roman you in there I want to talk to you" Trevor calls through the door

"Shit! It's time for my backstage segment with him, you'll have to hide in the bathroom" I say and she nods before dashing out of the room just as Trevor throws the door open beginning our segment.

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