29. Star Light Suprise

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Roman POV

Thanking Jade seemed like the right thing to do and I was truly grateful to have her love me the way she does. The second I said she had taken my face in her hands and pressed her lips to mine in the most loving kiss I had ever experienced with her.

In that moment I forgot where we were, lost all sense of time and just got lost in her and our happiness. As we break apart she keeps her hands on my face and looks deep into my eye with a soft smile on her face and I feel myself fall in love with her all over again if that's even possible.

"Hey uce we got it all set up for you..........wait what did we miss?" Jey asks breaking our moment.

"Jey! Jimmy! Can't you see they were having a moment" my mom snaps "don't be so rude"

"S..sorry Aunt Pat" Jimmy says "we didn't realise"

"It's alright mom" I chuckle "although I should kick both your asses becuase what you were doing for me was supposed to be a suprise" I say under my breath

"Damn sorry uce" Jey says "so what's going on here?"

"What's going on is my little boy is marrying this beautiful girl right here" my mom gushes "and I couldn't be happier for them both"

"Congratulations uce and welcome to the family Jade" Jimmy smiles as they both envelope us in group hug

"So are you going to tell me what they were talking about?" Jade's asks wrapping her arms around my waist and smiling up at me.

"If I tell you it won't be a suprise" I smile back "be patient babygirl, it's worth it I promise"

"Not even a little hint?" She asks giving me puppy dog eyes and I very nearly give in

"No becuase I want to see your genuine reaction when you see it" I smile

Jade POV

After spending a couple more hours with his family Roman and I finally headed back to his place, I was more than keen to get back there becuase I was tired but I was also dying to find out what this suprise was he had for me.

After the beautiful proposal I didn't really need anything else from him, it was more than enough and he had already made me beyond happy.
When we pull up outside the house Roman gets out of the car, comes round to my side and helps me out. Place a hand on my lower back he guides me towards the house.

"Are you ready for your surprise babygirl?" He asks as he opens the door

"More than ready" I smile "where do you need me?" I ask and he smirks

"Oh babygirl you know where I need you" he says pecking my lips "but I want to give you your suprise first"

"Smooth talker" I chuckle playfully swatting him "that's not what I meant and you know it"

Smiling he takes my hand in his and leads me towards the staircase, he takes me upstairs and down the hallway to one of the spare rooms.
As we walk in he turns on the lights and when my eyes adjust my mouth falls open. Beside the bed pointing out of the window is a full size telescope, something I had always wanted but had never been able to afford.

"Roman.....I....I don't know what to say" I gasp fighting back tears "thank you"

"Oh I'm not done yet" he says "come stand here and look through the telescope"

I do as he asks and look through the telescope, seeing all the stars so close takes my breath away, I had no idea it was this incredible.
I feel Roman wrap his arms around me from behind and kiss my cheek.

"Do you see the really bright start in the centre" he says softly and I nod

"That one has a really special name" he says "it's named after some one who makes this world a much brighter place"

"Oh, what's it called?" I ask turning my gaze to him

"It's called Jade" he smiles "I had it named after you babygirl, I wanted to give you something that was as beautiful as you are and the only thing that came close to shining as brightly as you do was that star. So I had it named after you, becuase you have made my world a much brighter place and I love you more than words can say"

"Roman, that is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me" I smile "I love you so much" I say before turning in his arms and pressing my lips to his.

"Do you like it?" He asks breaking the kiss

"I love it" I smile "thank you, it's perfect"

"Good, now back to your previous question" he smirks "I need you in our bed and in my arms"

"Can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be" I smile "lead the way handsome"

Taking my hand once again Roman leads me back down the hallway and into what will soon be our room. Once we walk into the room he stops and gently scoops me up bridal style.
He kisses me softly before laying me down on the bed, as our lips connect once again my hands slide under his shirt and up his body feeling every muscle and he instantly deepens the kiss.

Today my have started badly but it couldn't have ended any better, I finally knew where I belonged, right here with this man, in his arms and nothing and no one was going to change that.

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