18. Research

290 14 11

Jade POV

After a somewhat eventful morning in bed Roman had decided that he wanted to run to the store. I had no idea what for as the house was fully stocked with food, Damian doesn't like empty shelves or an empty fridge.

I had taken the alone time as an opportunity to do some research into paternity tests and when they can be done. I had found out that there was a non invasive test that could be done from the 8th week of pregnancy but there was no way I could afford it.

Sighing I put down my tablet and run my hand over my bump, I was well aware that I had no one to blame but myself, this mess was my fault. If I had been 8 weeks pregnant or less there would have been no doubt who the father was.

The other playing on my mind was Damian's avoidance of my question, I couldn't help but wonder what he wasn't telling me. He was doing what he does best, protecting me, but what from?
It was true he and Trevor did not get on, in fact he had tried to talk me out of going on the date in the first place but never said why just that he didn't trust him.

I trusted Damian and his judgement completely, if he told me the sky was pink with yellow dots I'd believe him becuase I had no reason to doubt him. Trevor was the only time I didn't listen becuase I thought he was being ridiculous but now I'm not so sure.

"Babygirl I'm back" Roman calls out shaking me from my thoughts  and I turn to see him enter the kitchen with two big bags of shopping.

"Hey Ro what's all this?" I ask and he smiles before pressing a soft kiss to my lips

"I missed you" he says walking around the counter and placing the bags on it as I watch him

"I missed you too but that doesn't answer my question" I chuckle

"All this is so that I can make you a nice lunch and then later I'm going to cook you dinner" he says as he unpacks the food.

"You know we have a kitchen full of food right?" I ask "and you really don't have to go to all this trouble, I should be cooking for you"

"I know but you didn't have what I needed" he smiles "and I want to do this, I want to take care of you and peanut"

"Ro please don't do that" I say "I couldn't stand it if you got attached and it wasn't yours"

"What did I tell you babygirl" he says walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me "I will love this baby whether or not it's mine, you, me and peanut will be a family regardless, now sit down, relax and let me make you lunch" he says kissing my forehead

"So chef Reigns what are you making me?" I ask as I take a seat at the breakfast counter

"I thought a vegetable frittata would be good and then afterwards these" he says pushing a box towards me

"Oh my god! You got me donuts! Thank you! I love you!" I say excitedly as Roman chuckles "but how did you know? I never told you?"

Smiling Roman takes out his phone and shows me a message he got from Damian.

Heads up momma is craving donuts, she's also been craving meat but she won't eat it becuase she's vegetarian

"Now if you like I can put some ham or bacon into the frittata" he asks and I shake my head

"No, I don't care how much peanut wants it I am not eating meat" I say

I watch as Roman goes about preparing the frittata, to my surprise he seems to know where everything is and he seems completely at home in our kitchen. As he beats the eggs his bicep flexes and I can't help but bite my lip "damn" I say under my breath and he looks up letting me know he heard me.

"You ok babygirl?" He asks and I nod not taking my eyes of his arm "are you sure you didn't see something you like?" He smirks lifting his arm and flexing it properly and suddenly food is not at the top of my list right now.

"I see a lot that I like" I smirk "there also a lot that I can't see that I like"

"I think I can help you out a little" he smirks before putting down the bowl and removing his t shirt "that better?" He asks

"You tease" I chuckle "but yes that is much better"

"It's only teasing if you can't have it babygirl" he smiles "and you can have this whenever you want"

"I'll hold you to that" I smile, truth was I wanted him for the rest of my life but was it too soon to tell him that?

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