33. A Different Reveal

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Roman POV

Pushing open the bedroom door gently I enter the room and place the tray I'm carrying on the dresser. I look over at Jade and she is still fast asleep. She had been out like a light the second her head hit the pillow and while I really didn't want to wake her, she needed to eat.

Sitting on the bed beside her I stroke her hair out of her face and gently brush her cheek with my hand. She stirs a little but doesn't wake up making me chuckle a little. I gently rub her arm and hear her take a sharp intake of breath.

"It's time to eat babygirl" I say softly "I promise if you want to you can go back to sleep after, well after my mom has visited"

"Why is your mom visiting?" She asks as she sits up and yawns

"She wants to see you to make sure you're alright after everything" I say "and she was supposed to be coming to the scan with us to find out the gender"

"Oh god she's going to be so upset" she says "maybe we can make it up to her"

"I've been thinking about that and how would you feel about telling her her granddaughters name?" I ask and she smiles

"I think that's a great idea" she says "now I believe food was mentioned?"

Laughing I stand and walk over to pick up the tray. I take it over to her and place it on her lap.

"Now I'm not much of a chef but I make a mean grilled cheese" I say "I also did a side salad and made you a cup of tea, and if you have room I have strawberries and chocolate sauce for dessert"

"Dessert huh?" She smirks "maybe I'll save that for when your mom leaves"

"I like the way you're thinking babygirl" I smirk but before I can say anything else the doorbell rings and I know exactly who it is.

Jade POV

Roman leaves to answer the door and within moments he is walking back in the room with his mom hot on his heels. When she sees me she rushes over and gives me a big hug which I gladly return.

"How are you feeling?" She asks "I bet you're glad it's over"

"Yes very, and I'm OK just tired" I smile "I haven't been sleeping much"

"You poor girl" she says rubbing my arms "I hope Roman has been taking care of you"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Roman gasps "why would you think I wouldn't?" He asks

"Oh hush I wasn't implying anything just saying I hope you've been taking care of her" she says "I know you would"

"So Pat we have something to tell you about the scan" I say taking a deep breath "I'm really sorry but Trevor's lawyer took it upon himself to reveal the gender in court, we had no idea"

"Don't you dare apologise, it's not your fault" she smiles "it's that party pooping son of a bitch that's to blame"

While I laugh at her out burst Roman's eyes widen like he can't believe the words came out of his mom's mouth.

"So we wanted to make it up to you" I say "and we want to do that by telling you your granddaughters name"

"It's a girl?" She smiles and I nod "Oh she will be spoiled rotten, what name have you chosen?" She asks

"Actually I chose it" Roman says with a proud smile "it's something  that fits with us and is perfect for our little girl, her name is...........Luna Skye Reigns"

"Oh that is beautiful and don't worry my lips are sealed" she smiles "now I won't keep you any longer, you need your rest and you need to finish your food, I'll pop round again soon" she says giving me another hug

"I'd like that thank you" I say hugging her back "and thank you coming to see us"

"Your family now, and we take care of our family" she says "if you ever need me I'm a phone call away"

Roman POV

I lead my mom out of the room and down to the front door. I was glad that Jade agreed to tell her the name mainly becuase I needed to tell some one or I was going to burst.

I loved the name I had chosen and I wanted the world to know that my daughter was called Luna Skye but for now I'll have to settle with just my mom knowing.

"Thank you for letting me come over" my mom says stopping at the door "I just need to see that she was alright, you take care of her and my granddaughter do you hear me"

"You know I will mom" I smile "they mean everything to me"

"My baby boy is having a baby of his own" she gushes "I'm so proud of you"

"Thanks mom but I'm not a baby anymore" I chuckle

"You may be a grown man but you will always be my baby" she says patting my cheek "I love you son" she says wrapping her arms around me

"I love you too mom" I say hugging her back "do you want me to drive you home?"

"It's a five minute walk I'll be fine" she says "Jade needs you more than I do"

"Alright well let me know you got home ok" I say letting go of her and she rolls her eyes

"If it makes you feel better of course I will" she chuckles "You're going to be a great father" she says before leaving the house.

I appreciated my mom's words, I was going to do my best to be the best father I could be and one thing was for sure, ain't no way my little girl is dating until she's at least 30.

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