12. Complicated

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Jade POV

"So let me get this straight. You've been away from them both for two months and you still don't know what you want?" My friend Kayden asks and I shake my head "girl it shouldn't be this hard, ok let's review everything and see if we can come up with an answer together"

"Can we order first I'm starving" Damian whines "I want to help but I can't think straight on an empty stomach" he says and I chuckle.

Damian and Kayden had been my friends for years, they were the reason I had met Trevor in the first place. Kayden was my best friend and I could talk to her about anything, Damian was like a big brother, over protective but always had good advice.

"You two go ahead I already ordered" I say and Damian's mouth falls open

"You ordered food without me! That's just rude" he says lifting up the menu and covering his face pretending to be mad at me

"Sorry I was hungry I couldn't wait" I say "if it helps I didn't order dessert, we can still do that together"

"No it doesn't help" he sulks "I'm still going to have to watch you eat while I wait for my food, how could you be so cruel? Don't you love me at all?" He says placing his hand over his heart like I've really hurt him.

"Of course I do" I laugh "I was just really really hungry, I tried to wait I promise"

"Ok while the big baby decides what he wants let me ask you something" Kayden says "who've you thought about most since you left?"

"The other guy for sure" I sigh "I love Trevor but the love I feel for him is different, everything is different with him, good different obviously, but that last time with him......."

"Woah hold up, if you're going there I'm out" Damian says and we both look at him "what? Look I love you, you're like a little sister to me but I don't want to hear about you doing the nasty"

"Ok I won't go there" I chuckle and he looks relieved

"I have a question" Damian says "does this guy have a name?" He asks taking a drink of his soda

"Yeah, his name is Roman" I say and Damian promptly sprays his mouthful of soda everywhere

"As in Roman Reigns?" Kayden asks as she passes Damian some napkins and I nod

"Damn" Damian says shaking his head "No wonder he's hurt, you cheated on him with the hottest guy on the roster"

As Damian continues to mop up his mess a plate of food is placed in front of me. My stomach growls as I picked the food and move it towards my mouth, just before taking a bite I look to find them both staring at me like I have two heads.

"What?" I ask keeping the food by my mouth

"Far be it for me to tell you what you should and shouldn't eat but you might want to think carefully before taking a bite out of that" Damian says

"Why? What's wrong with what I'm eating?" I ask

"Jade thats a hamburger" Kayden says and I look at her "sweetie it's meat, the last time we checked you're vegetarian"

My eyes go down to the hamburger clasped in my hands millimeters from my lips. I had order it becuase when I saw it on the menu it sounded so good, but she was right I am vegetarian which means me holding meat this close to my mouth makes no sense whatsoever.

"What's going on with me" I say putting the burger back on the plate.

"Maybe you're tastes are changing, maybe vegetarianism isn't working for you anymore" Kayden shrugs

"There's another option" Damian says "Are you pregnant cariño?"

"Damian! You can't just ask her like that" Kayden gasps slapping his arm before turning to look at me "Are you?"

For a moment I just look at them both, a million thoughts running through my mind, the main one being that I hadn't been careful with either man, if I am it would explain afew things but it would also make this a whole hell of a lot more complicated.

"I.....I don't know" I say nervously "I guess there's a chance"

"Honey we need to get you to a pharmacy" she says "you need to do a test"

"Who's the father?" Damian asks and Kayden glares at him.

"Well aren't we Mr Sensitive today" she says "you really think that's an appropriate question right now? How the hell is she supposed to know?"

"I apologise but I told you I don't think straight when I'm hungry" he says rubbing his stomach, no longer having an appetite I push my burger and fries towards him.

"You can have this I don't want it anymore" I say

"Right you eat that we'll be right back" she says grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the booth "try not to choke on it"

"Bitch" Damian mutters under his breath

"I heard that" she calls to him as we leave

"You were meant to" he calls back

"How are you two not a couple?" I ask and she laughs

"He's not my type and I'm not his" she says "but stop trying to change the subject"

"What the hell am I going to do if I am Kay?" I ask

"We'll figure it out" she smiles "but first we need to know for sure"

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