34. Genius

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Jade POV

Today was my first official day of living with Roman, Damian has helped me pack up all my stuff and he and Roman and brought it here and unpacked it all. They wouldn't let me lift a finger.

When I woke this morning my loving fiancé had treated me to breakfast on the patio by the pool and then insisted I stay out here and relax while he worked on the nursery. Apparently he had come up with an amazing idea and he couldn't wait to get it done.

He had nipped out to the local hardware store and come back with a tin of paint and a bag full of god knows what. I was banned from going anywhere near until he was done. The thing was I trusted him completely and I wasn't remotely worried about what he was doing. So far his suprises had never failed.

So while he was upstairs I had laid out here on a sun lounger with an umbrella creating much needed shade. I had read some of my book, taken a swim and just generally relaxed and if felt so good to do so, to have no stress anymore.

"I wonder what you're daddy is up to" I say softly running my hand over my bump "but I already know we'll both love it"

Luna gives my hand a soft kick making me smile, something tells me she is taking after her daddy already. I didn't mind at all, boy or girl I had wanted a mini Roman.

The next thing I hear is a mixture of Taylor Swift and Roman singing Shake It Off and I can't help but chuckle. He didn't have a perfect singing voice but he always puts his all into it when he sings along to anything.

Roman POV

"Shake it off, shake it off, ooh ooh"

As the song finishes I look up at my completed handy work. I hadn't been entirely sure it would work but now I couldn't be prouder of what I had achieved.

Jade had wanted to include Luna's name in the decor but didn't want anyone to know her name until she was born. She had beenso disappointed that I had spent a lot of time trying to work out a way to make it possible for her and well a little research and it didn't take long for inspiration to hit. I just had to hope that she would like it.

Stepping outside my eyes fall on her laid on the lounger gently storking her baby bump and smiling softly to herself. A smile forms on my face as iwalk towards her and then I start to feel nervous.

"It's all finished, are you ready to see it babygirl?" I ask and she looks up at me

"I'd love to, I can't wait to see what you've done" she smiles and I swallow nervously

Taking her hand in mine I help her to stand and then lead her through the house and upstairs to the nursery stopping g at the closed door.

"Alright, you know how you wanted Luna's name to be in the decor?" I ask and she nods "well I think I've found a way to make it work" I say pushing the door open.

She walks in first and gazes around the room a look of confusion on her face "I don't see anything" she says turning to face me

"Look up baby girl" I chuckle and she does as I ask.

As she takes in the now purple ceiling she still looks confused "I don't understand, purple has nothing to do with her name" she says

"Come here" I say pulling her to me so her back is against my chest and wrap an arm around her. With the other I reach out and turn of the lights, the second I do I hear a soft gasp leave her lips.

Jade POV

The second the lights go out the ceiling becomes covered in glow in the dark stars with a moon in the centre of it. I can help but gasp as I take it all in.

"So let me explain what you are looking at" he says "you know that's the moon, but the godess Luna was the acient Roman personification of the moon" he says and I nod "now this moon is between two constellations, Hercules and Cassiopeia, and all of this the stars, the moon, is in the sky. So her name is right there but no one will know"

"Roman it's beautiful I love it, thank you so much, you're a genius" I say leaning back against him and wrapping my arms over his "I love that you chose those two constellations"

"I don't know about that, but it was a no brainer, you're Cassiopeia and I'm Hercules, so Luna is between her parents" he says kissing the side of my head

"But they aren't her parents" I say once again feeling confused

"I have a confession to make babygirl" he says turning me to face him "the names of the constellations are true but Cassiopeia and Hercules never had anything to do with each other. I made that story up as a way to tell you exactly how I saw you, how I felt about you" he says

"So you think....."

"That your the most beautiful woman on earth and your beauty is unmatched? Yes I do" he smiles "and I also am so deeply in love with you that I want to be close to you always"

"Roman Reigns just when I think I can't love you anymore you make it happen" I smile "I love you more than you will ever know Hercules"

"I love you too my beautiful Cassiopeia" he says before placing a soft loving kiss on my lips "you and little L"

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