"You want boobies?" Fiona asks, putting on her top.

"Wes, no have any." Cam points to his chest, his little fingers in his mouth.

"These are mama parts, baby. Only mamas and ladies have these." Fiona pinches Cam's cheeks. She can't get over his cuteness.

"No fair." Cam huffs.

Fiona laughs, laying him down on the bed. She dresses Cam into his clothes. She is putting on his socks, when Emma comes out of the bathroom.

"Why was he crying little while ago?" Emma asks.

"So, you heard him?" Emma picks up Cam.

"Of course, I heard him. Why was he crying anyways?" Emma asks again.

"So, why didn't you come?" Fiona gets closer to Emma. She is getting mad at Emma for not coming hearing the baby's cries. He could be hurt for God's sake and Emma won't rush to him.

"Because I heard you comforting him. And I wouldn't really help at comforting the monster." Emma tickles Cam under the chin.

Cam sticks his tongue out at her.

"Okay, that sounds fair."

They walk downstairs, to get some breakfast and leave for school. They are not late, but not so early too.

Emma goes to give food to the hungry dog.

Fiona makes quickly makes some peanut butter and jelly sandwich for them. She cuts Cam's sandwich into small pieces.

"Thirsty." Cam says.

"Okay, bubba." Fiona gives Cam a bottle of water.

"Fank you, mama." Cam smiles up at Fiona, sucking from his bottle.

"You're welcome, baby." Fiona kisses Cam's forehead.

She packs the lunches and decides on cereal for breakfast. Not so healthy, but she doesn't have time to make anything.

She puts Cam in his highchair, putting his bowl of cereal on his tray. And putting a bib on him.

"EMMA, come eat!" Fiona yells. How does Emma disappear out of nowhere? She does not know.

"Coming!" Emma yells from God knows where.

"Don't play with your food, sweety." Fiona takes the spoon from Cam.

She sits down on a chair, next to Cam and starts feeding him.

Emma enters the kitchen after some time.

"What took you so long?" Fiona asks, still feeding Cam. She wipes down the milk with her fingers, which runs down under Cam's chin.

"I went upstairs to get Cam's school bag, when I found the wet bed and his clothes. So, put those in the hamper. But still couldn't find his bag." Emma replies, taking a seat at the table.

"Oh, thank you. Totally forgot about that." Fiona says. "And I already packed his bag."

Emma nods and gets cereal for herself. Fiona finishes feeding Cam and eats her own cereal.

"Sit still, sugar." Emma tries to wipe Cam's face. But Cam doesn't stop for her, obviously.

"Fiona, come get your child. He's not listening to me." Emma huffs to Fiona, who is putting the lunch boxes and water bottles in their bags.

"Oh, sweets. Why were you annoying Emma?" Fiona wipes down Cam's face and hands. Surprisingly, he sits still, smiling up at Fiona.

"He knows what he's doing." Emma whines.

"Yeah, he knows." Fiona picks him up from his highchair, placing him on her hip.

"Let's go." Fiona says. "Em, get our bags please. I'm occupied." Fiona gestures to Cam in her arms.

"Okay, no problem." Emma grabs their bags.

The ladies get their shoes on, in the foyer. Fiona has already got Cam's shoes on him in her bedroom.

"Max, come here!" Fiona calls out to her adorable dog.

Max comes to them, in a matter of few seconds.

"We're leaving for school, Max." Fiona tells the golden retriever.

Max whines, wagging his tail.

"We'll be back in no time." Fiona says. "Love you." She tells the dog.

"Mama... me?" Cam asks with a whine. His mama loves him. Only him.

"I love you, sweetheart. More than anyone in this world." She reassures the jealous baby. She says the last part looking at Emma though.

Emma shows middle finger to Fiona. Fiona smiles.

They turn around to leave the house when Max starts barking.

"What's the matter, Max?" Fiona asks, turning around again.

He barks again, looking at Cam.

"You want to say goodbye to Cam? Alright." Fiona crouches down in front of the dog, who licks Cam's left hand.

"Bye, Max." Cam waves with his hand.

They finally leave the house. Fiona places Cam in his car seat.

"No, taking off your shoes, okay?" Fiona asks Cam.

Cam nods.

She goes around the driver's seat, entering.

Emma takes her car, as she has to go to her home after school. She will ask her mom to stay at Fiona's for the time being Cam is there. And she knows her mom will say yes.

They start their car and set off for school.

AN: Hope you like it. 

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