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Third person pov


  The hufflepuff's eyes bulged out, immediately spreading her arms out with no preparation beforehand. "Emmie! Not too fas—"

Emmie jumped, lifting herself till Y/N caught her, engulfing her in an embracing hug. Her legs instinctively wrapped around Y/N's waist to hold her balance.

"I missed my lesbian friend," Emmie cried out, tucking her head in the crook of Y/N's neck.

Y/N scoffed. "I'm not a lesbian, Emmie."

"Right, I mean bisexual friend," Emmie corrected herself. She raised her head, furrowing her eyebrows. "You know, you're surprisingly strong for someone who lays in bed all the time," she vaguely remarked.

"Okay that's it," Y/N instantly released her grip, causing Emmie to fall onto the ground.

"Y/N," another voice followed. Y/N smiled widely, taking in the appearance of her other friends. It was refreshing to see them after almost a month of not seeing them.  

"Hey," Y/N happily greeted.

Her body was once again pushed slightly back as another pair of arms wrapped around her, but this time it was more gentle and with care.

"And hi specifically to you, Aurora." Y/N hugged back tightly.

Aurora hummed. Y/N could feel a hidden smile form on Aurora's face since her lips were against her shoulder.

Pulling back, Y/N leaned forward to hug the two boys this time. She pulled them in, tugging them by their side with each arm. "Fellas," she chimed.

  "I can't breathe," Jack dramatically coughed uncontrollably, pretending to claw off of Y/N's arm.

Y/N rolled her eyes as she removed her grip from them. Her eyes landed on Jack's upper lip.

'That was not there before' she thought.

"What's with the pubic bush?" Y/N sneered, referring to his newfound mustache.

Mist abruptly shifted his head to the side, laughing silently. Emmie dusted herself off, getting ready to start an argument with Y/N for letting go of her, but she soon bursted out laughing at the remark.

  He went poker-face. "Funny," he replied in a dull tone, "but i'll have you know it's a trend in the Ministry."

"It does look like someone ripped off your balls and stuck them to your face," Emmie struggled to let out as she continued to laugh, clutching onto her stomach.

  Even Aurora laughed, but she fully turned her head to prevent anyone from seeing. Gaining composure, the five of them walked down the hall together on their way to the one of the courtyards to catch up.

"So, are you going to tell us the details?" Mist teasingly asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Y/N grinned. "Have I not told you guys over the phone?"

"It's better to hear it in person, ya see." Emmie chimed in, proving a point for Y/N to say it.

Y/N glanced at her side as Aurora was already staring at her direction, waiting for the grand news that's been already announced.

When Y/N landed back home, she couldn't help but immediately inform her friends about the glorious news. She wanted to originally tell them when they all returned to Hogwarts, yet holding an information like that for another 24 hours would've drove her to insanity.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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