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Third person pov

Y/N walked in the hallway, feeling oddly safer. The other students frantically talked and showed their phones to each other, probably talking about the news with Wizalove.

They looked completely zombified from how obsessive they were. The same old grunts and mutter.

Rather than keeping her head low like usual, she stood tall and relieved for the time being.

News were spreading like a rainy day, constant chatter and gossip about the app. Even the school newspaper printed hundredths and hundredths of copies of the new upcoming drama. 

Apparently the app was being brought into the concerns of the ministry — going under investigation in hopes for suspension.

Y/N couldn't imagine what it was like outside of hogwarts.

Maybe it was true with what Emmie said. Riots? Protests? No, that's impossible.

"Say farewell to top matched," Pansy snickered, passing by Y/N with a group of slytherins next to her. That slick back frayed hair didn't fool Y/N.

Trying to get under her skin once again, how idiotic. Pansy was the kind of ex you'd want to forget and never want to come across in your life again, but she always had a way in disrupting that.

'I can't wait for the day' Y/N wanted to reply back, but she just kept walking, not making her remark disturb her mood.

From afar, she saw Hermione standing at the side of the hallway, hugging her textbooks close to her chest and talking to two of her classmates.

Her hair was straightened and parted down the middle, that was new.

Y/N smiled to herself.

  Guess one of the girls made a joke because Hermione laughed along with them. The two other girls rocked back and forth, nudging each other.

Hermione glanced away for a second, coincidentally directing her eyes at Y/N. She bit the bottom of her lip and smiled lightly.

Y/N shot back a toothless smile, walking closer and closer to the girl.

The gryffindor excused herself, tilting her head to the side as soon as Y/N arrived. They then walked together side by side.

"Y/N," she drawled.

"Mione," Y/N repeated with the same tone.

She could feel Y/N's hand brush against hers, and with boldness, she moved her pointer finger to feel the girl's hand.

"Scared?" Y/N uttered, hinting to the subtle touching.

Hermione sighed out, "Not anymore." She fully committed to her urge, grabbing Y/N's hand, both interlocking and interlacing their fingers together.

Y/N's thumb soothed Hermione's hand for comfort. "You know I don't mean that in a harsh wa—"

"I want to hold your hand."

The hufflepuff proudly lifted their hands near her lips, placing a tender kiss.

"Worried about wizalove?" Hermione brought up, averting her eyes to the girl while Y/N looked forward.

"Not at all," she replied. "I'm happy to have the attention diverted to the app than the people that are top matched."

"Same," Hermione mused, looking ahead of her and leaning her head on Y/N's shoulder.

Her grip tightened.

The conversation was simple, maybe even forced. But guess it was an excuse for the both to just hold each other and walk hand in hand.

brutal jealousy (hermione/you)Where stories live. Discover now