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Third person pov

  "You missed it. There were guards surrounding the tree like it was some sort of celebrity," Ron said, peeking over his head around the bus chair. He was sitting in the aisle seat next to Harry, who was standing, leaning over to look at Hermione in front of him. They were all getting ready to head back to Hogwarts.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry guys. I had security breathing down my spine, watching and walking over and over again past my room door," she lied through her teeth.

Harry shrugged. "You didn't miss much though. Ron and I just ended up coming back to the room to watch a quidditch match on the telly."

"Oi, what's that on your neck?" Ron pointed out a finger to a long red scratch that was bruised behind Hermione's neck. The girl made the wrong choice of putting her hair up. Her little ponytail was far from neat and perfect, multiple strands poked out and it was unbelievably frizzy from the humidity on the bus.

Hermione looked over her shoulder, shooing the boy's hand away. "It's nothing."

"That's a gash. Did Kade give you that?"

Hermione shot her head back, her whole body moved in one motion to face Ron.

"Where would you get that assumption?" She coldly said. Ron's eyes widened, seeing he pissed her off again. "Uh — hi Harry!" He greeted the chosen one as a way to distract themselves from the conversation.

"Hey Ronnie," Harry said as he picked up Ron's objective.

"May I sit here?" Y/N came by with her bags, making everyone look at her. Hermione was shocked to see Y/N.

The redhead pulled his head back. "That seat is actually take—"

"Yeah of course."

Harry and Ron instinctively looked at each other, giving each other an uncanny look.

Y/N nervously smiled at the two, seeing them look defeated and sitting back into their seat. Hermione was about to move down to sit near the window, but was stopped. "You can stay there," Y/N said with her head hung low.

Hermione nodded and tucked her knees in as Y/N moved her bags over. She plopped her stuff down then she sat down comfortably next to Hermione.

She huffed out and turned to face the gryffindor. "Hey," she breathed out.

Hermione bit her bottom lip to contain herself from smiling like a school girl. "Hey." She mentally wanted to pinch herself once she noticed how high pitch her voice was.

Y/N smiled. "You look pretty today," she complimented, leaning her head closer to Hermione.

Funny enough, Hermione tried looking more presentable today, she didn't know why but she wanted to.

"You too," Hermione softly said. Staring into Y/N's eyes made Hermione feel more bold, because the next thing she did made Y/N freeze up.

Hermione leaned to give a gentle kiss on the hufflepuff's lips. She pulled back, smiling widely.

Y/N's lips curled up, holding in the excitement behind her face. Blinking a couple of times, she finally recovered and faced forwards.

It was Y/N's turn to be bold, she moved her forearm on the arm rest, placing her hand over Hermione's.

"Hey Hermione. Can you — uhm tell her to move?" Kade leaned his arm on top of the other seat and jerked his head forward.

"Oh —" Hermione thought for a second, looking back at Y/N and seeing how Y/N's expression changed. It's like somehow Y/N knew what her answer was going to be. A clear 'okay' will do or maybe 'anything for you', anything along those lines.

brutal jealousy (hermione/you)Where stories live. Discover now