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Third person pov

"Oh fuck," Y/N groaned as she sat up. Her head pounded in agony, and a pulse formed in her temples. She rubbed her eyes profusely to regain her vision, but it only revealed her in somebody else's bed and being in a t-shirt she didn't own.

The hufflepuff began to panic.

"Can you stop moving," Aurora let out a raspy moan, turning to her side.

"What the bloody hell am I doing in your bed?" Y/N weakly said. Her throat felt utterly dry.

"I took care of your sad self last night. Don't worry, I didn't kiss you or anything," Aurora reassured, her back still facing Y/N.

Y/N was vaguely out last night, not able to recall her actions last night. But she believed what Aurora said about not kissing her, because why would she ever do that.

"Can you lay back down? It's too early and you're going to wake up everyone."

The hufflepuff scanned the room to see everyone else passed out in bed, laying there comfortably while the drapes were still closed to block out the blinding sun from waking them up.

"Fuck," Y/N muttered as her head laid back on the white fluffy pillow. Aurora rolled her eyes to herself and turned around to look at the poor hungover girl.

"You were an absolute mess last night. Almost puked on my bed," Aurora mumbled, pulling Y/N closer to where the girl's head was near Aurora's chest.

To soothe Y/N, Aurora snuck her left arm underneath the girl while her other stayed still to play with Y/N's hair. Within seconds Y/N felt her eyes droop from how comforting it felt to be touched in a gentle manner.

"That so? I'm sure drunk me was hoping to aim for you when I puked," Y/N jokingly said with a snarky smile plastering on her face. Yet the smile soon subsided as the cramping pain began to wrap around her stomach.

"Mm..well you didn't, so sorry you didn't accomplish your goal," Aurora played along.

Y/N just hummed and smiled to herself.

"We both reek," Y/N commented as she took a small whiff of the both of them.

Aurora scrunched up her nose to inhale the smell of both of them, realizing that it was a mixture of substances from last night, but it mostly coming off of Y/N. One of the worries that crossed Aurora's mind was that the odor would've stuck in her sheets and blanket.

'Great,' Aurora thought.

"Horrid. Thanks, Y/N. Now I can't go back to sleep with your smell all over."

Y/N scoffed, a tad offended at how Aurora blatantly blamed her for taking up all the smell. "I reckon we hop out of bed and get ready for the day. We can get an early start."

Aurora leaned on her side, glancing at the alarm clock that was near her bedside. It read: 5:45am. "Fuck sakes," she groaned at the sight of it.

"If I had the energy I would kill you right about now for waking me up this early," Aurora continued in a monotone.

"You can do that in the bath. I know a way to sneak in the Prefect's bathroom. Now let's go!"


"Mm.." Y/N sunk her head under the water and brought herself back up to the surface to uncover her wet hair. She slicked back her hair with her hands, chuckling at the bubbles building over her head. The water was slightly warm which wasn't appealing because the two girls were hoping to recover their aching muscles from last night with blazing hot water.

brutal jealousy (hermione/you)Where stories live. Discover now