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~ smut & substance abuse warning ~
! mature audience only !

Third person pov

    "How was your night?" Val asked, pushing her shoulder onto Y/N's.

Y/N shrugged her shoulders. "It was all hazy. I don't even remember sleeping," she replied.

"And as we continue down this path near the pond, we will witness some creatures that have lived on this ground for centuries," one of the guides spoke, leading a group of students down a hill outside of their castle.

Two groups were separated to tour different things. The Horned serpent and Thunderbird are in one group while the other two are together.

Last night Y/N and Hermione dozed off, but unfortunately their memory was blurry. They remembered some parts of the night, but definitely not where they laid together, embracing one another.

Y/N woke up this morning, seeing herself on Hermione's bed, still clothed from yesterday's clothes. What was odd was that there was no Hermione in the room. Y/N wondered where the gryffindor headed off to.


Val and Y/N looked over to their right, and Levi appeared with a cheeky smile on his face. The girl next to Y/N seemed to take the hint it was gonna be a private conversation. she smiled at Y/N and strutted forward, fitting into the crowd in front of them.

"Hey Levi," Y/N greeted as they walked together.

"Heard you smoked with my cousin," he casually brought up. He stuck his hands in his pocket, tilting his head to look at Y/N.

Y/N glanced at the boy. "Yeah. I'm guessing she told you?"

He nodded and said, "kind of disappointed you didn't invite me, considering I invited you to the slytherin party and informed you about the other one."

  Not noticing a big pebble in his tracks, he slightly stumbled forward, but tried covering it up. Y/N watched him nervously smile, thinking how Levi wasn't the intimidating guy people think he is.

"It was last minute to be quite frank," Y/N said.

"Well, it's fine. My cousin told me we could smoke again later tonight. She said to invite you and your friend — herminny? Wait. Heather?"

"It's Hermione," Y/N corrected.

His mouth turned to an 'O' shape, realizing he was way off. Soon the two of them turned to face forward, peering over the people to see why people were gasping.

"You get it though. Come, okay? She's inviting more people," Levi said quietly, almost like he was passing on a secret.

  Y/N did have fun last night, so she thought about it. The only concern was Hermione. They didn't argue as much when they smoked, but that could've just been the weed, or maybe they did both tolerate each other that night.

  She hasn't seen Hermione all day. Guess it works out for her to confide in her answer. Y/N wanted to avoid Hermione for tonight and have fun, just her.

"Yeah, sure."


"Mione, you know words fly around, right?" Ron asked Hermione.

She squinted her eyes. "Yes?" She warily replied.

"Well, I overheard Seamus mentioning about you smoking last night, which i'm sure is a rumor because you'd never-"

brutal jealousy (hermione/you)Where stories live. Discover now