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Third person pov

"You were late out last night. Almost past curfew," Ron blurted, walking side by side with Hermione and Harry.

"Well, if you'd like to know, I was on a date."

Harry looked at Ron, sending a grin.

"Is it someone we know?" The two boys imagined, and even specifically pictured the scenarios Hermione and that special person had.

Hermione's mind traveled back to her date with Kade. She dreamily sighed, "Maybe. I feel like i've talked about him a few times and—"


Hermione looked at Harry with confusion. Her eyebrows knitted, glancing from Harry to Ron. "What do you mean 'him'?

Ron gulped down, shrugging his shoulders.

"We just didn't hear you properly," said Ron.

Harry wanted to give a little high five to Ron for saving them both the scolding.

As they walked to their next class, Y/N sat in muggle studies, waiting for the class to start. The golden trio didn't have the same class as Y/N, all of them were in separate classes for this period.

Y/N kept thinking about last night, even asleep she had a dream of her kissing — but it wasn't Ginny, it was Hermione. Her mind replayed the scenario over and over again like a record player moving nonstop.

After the heated kissing session with Ginny last night, they broke apart and awkwardly looked at each other, completely stunned with what just happened.

Remembering the kiss only gave Y/N second hand embarrassment.

Insanely, it was much needed.

It made Y/N realize what she wanted, how much she desired to be with Hermione. Her true feelings started to blossom into the light. It all just clicked — cliche isn't it.

But before she could do anything further, she wanted to speak with Ginny to clear the air.

Moving in her seat, a small crumple startled her a bit from her thoughts. The sound came from her pocket. Y/N swiftly pulled the item from her slacks.

It was the study sheet that was given from Hermione when they both studied.

But as she looked closer at it, a small note hid in the folded paper behind the actual written notes. Y/N pulled it to reveal the words:

'Good luck studying Y/N! Make sure read everything clearly. I miss you. Even though you're sitting next to me right now haha. Always stop by the common room to ask any questions! Don't worry about the fat lady, she's gotten greatly fond over you (: i can't blame her!

- H.G.

Her heart jumped.

"What you got there?" The voice stunning Y/N, causing her to slightly jump and tuck the note to herself.

"Why so tense?" Draco sat next to Y/N, a smug look plastered on his face. His eyes shifted down to the paper Y/N was holding.

Y/N quickly folded back the paper. "What're you doing here Malfoy?"

"What do you mean? I came here to learn." He placed his books down on the table before putting all his weight on the back of the chair. 

brutal jealousy (hermione/you)Where stories live. Discover now