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Third person pov

Y/N brought up her solo cup in the air, scooting past two people. "Sorry excuse me," she mumbled under her breath.

Music blasted outside of the castle near the hills of grass. Every now and then the professors excuse curfew for upperclassmen which provides the students to do what they please. It was an advantage of being 7th year.

"Absolutely rubbish. There's no way you actually defeated that beast," Ron exclaimed, throwing his arm in the air and laughing.

Y/N reached the big bonfire, scanning across her to see Hermione sitting in the middle of Ron and Harry. A hint of disappointment fulfilled her gut, but she pushed it off. Making eye contact with Hermione, they both exchanged a simple smile before Y/N just sat across from her at an empty next to Aurora.

She had to balance herself on the tree stump.

"I swear I did. The beast was at least 8ft tall," Mist fought back, defending his story.

"I call bullshit," Emmie shouted over the music.

"I swear!" Mist looked next to him, pointing at Emmie with a finger.

The whole group laughed in unison at how Mist desperately convinced Emmie and Ron he went on a quest. The topic was brought up when Harry was telling a story about how him, Ron, and Hermione were at the woods trapped to find something valuable.

Y/N smiled while the two bickered like babies. She subtly brought up the cup, letting it her lips to engulf punch that was mixed with alcohol.

"That's enough! How about you, Cho. Any stories?" Aurora interrupted the two, trying to change the topic for them to stop.

Mist huffed out and slumped over in frustration. His face reddened as he started to feel embarrassed from the fit he threw.

"Uhm — I don't really know," she stuttered, shyly tracing the rim of her cup.

"There has to be something," Aurora encouraged.

Harry nodded his head, wanting to hear what Cho had to say. They dated for awhile, but it never lasted long. Jealousy seeped in towards the end because of how close he was with Hermione. No matter how many times he tried to convince her that him and Hermione were nothing more, she couldn't help but start to feel hatred towards their friendship.

"There was one time I had to punch a guy because he couldn't take a hint when I kept saying no," Cho croaked out. Harry lifted his eyebrows, amused at the fact Cho pulled an action no one expected her to do.

Everyone basically reached the ends of their seat intrigued about what she had to say.

"I'm gonna refill my drink, want anything?" Ron softly asked Hermione as he slowly stood up from his spot.

Hermione kindly shook her head, showing her cup to Ron to show there was still something. Ron nodded his head with one tilt before walking away. The boy's hair began to shag past his eyes. Every step, his hair bounced and wave around.

Right as Ron left, a guy stepped in, taking over Ron's seat as a replacement.

"Hey," he greeted quietly, not wanting to interrupt Cho's story. Hermione shifted her attention, moving her head to look at the guy.

He wore black slacks and his house hoodie. His green piercing eyes looked at Hermione intently. "Are you drinking punch?" He continued to bring up a conversation.

"Uh — yeah. And you?" Hermione was surprised to have never seen the guy. She saw he was wearing a gryffindor hoodie, but never has seen him in the common room, ever.

brutal jealousy (hermione/you)Where stories live. Discover now