Chapter 18 : Welcome Aboard The Deadly Teen Cruise

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~ End of Flashback ~

Y/N wipes away her tears and stand up again looking at Yeji in the eyes deeply while holding Yejis shoulder.

Y/N : " I promise you...that we will take revenge for her death"

Yeji looks at Y/N and after a few seconds she nodded her head.

[ Y/N - P.O.V ]

But it was then, that when we thought that calm had returned that Mr.Kim appeared.

Everyone in the room stand up, some of them had fire in their eyes, i was part of them.

My blood was boiling, i just wanted to go up there and rip that man's face.

Mr.Kim : " Good Morning everybody, first of all congratulations for all of you....the survivors "

I couldn't even look at his face anymore, how could he be the same man as the one at the beginning of the cruise vacation ? 

Mr.Kim : " I am here for some explanations as i can see on your confused and shoked faces,'s quit are all currently on what i call the Deadly Teen Cruise ! Of course you are all here to have some fun but life is never fair and nothing is free so...for pay back you have to play a game every Friday night and from what you have seen, the games are obviously dangerous otherwise it is not funny and you have to keep me busy *started to laugh crazily*, for now have a good week and see you all on Friday " he said and was about to leave but someone  shouted at him.

We all look at the person, a girl, Mr.Kim stopped from walking.

The girl : " YOU JERK HOW CAN YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT ? WELCOME TO HEAVEN YOU SAID HUH ? BULLSH*T WELCOME TO HELL DON'T YOU THINK SO ? YOU PIECE OF SH*T, GO TO HELL ! I'M OUT OF HERE !!! " she said and was about to leave as well but a bodyguard stop her.

Mr.Kim : " Mrs. Lee you are so noisy, useless and annoying, you need a punishment, boys please get rid of her " he demanded.

{ Just to say that the bodyguards are adults that weren't there at first }

The girl : " H-how do you k-know name ? " she asked, getting scared.

Mr.Kim : " Ow but ...i know everything about you all "

The girl : " Wait...what-..."

The Bodyguards interrupted her by taking her two arms.

Bodyguard  (1) : " Where do you want us to take her sir ?  " he asked and i looked at the girl with fear in her eyes. I wasn't felling any good because of the situation.

Mr.Kim : " In her room....of course where else ? " and he started laughing again.

And the Bodyguards started to drag the girl away while she screamed, begging for help. When they were out of sight Mr.Kim turned to us while asking ;

Mr.Kim : " Another volunteer ? "

We were all silent and looking down, avoiding his gaze.

Mr.Kim : " That's what i thought, now remember one thing here on this cruise can run, you can hide...but you can't escape this place..." and with those last words he left the room with a smirk on his face.

Once gone, everybody started to panic again. I was shaking from fear and Juyeon noticed it so he took my hand in his. I look up at him.

Juyeon : " Calm down Y/N, breath "

I was trying to calm down and after a few minutes I was okay.

Y/N : " Thanks Juyeon "

Juyeon : " Any time "

< Time Skip >

Me, Ivy and Bella went back to our room. We all decided to all meet together later to discuss of everything that has just happened. Juyeon and the guys went to look for their other friends, they told us that they were going to bring them if they find them, because they were forced to separate. I hope they are okay despite the fact that i don't yet know them.

I was on my bed, Ivy and Bella were sleeping peacefully, catching up some missing sleep.

I couldn't...i was thinking about a lot. Especially at Rose...was she okay ?  I was thinking about the worst...was she still....alive ? No, no, no !!! She is !! She has to be !!!
I had tears in my eyes thinking about it.

And this girl ? Who was taken away by the Bodyguards...i didn't want to be negative but i think she is gonna be killed.

They have rules here or should i say, Mr.Kim has rules here...if you don't respect die...

I knew something was strange about this cruise...

This was too good to be true...

And then...i thought about my mom, my dad and my sister. The tears that i was holding back were slowly flowing down my face.

I had to survive, for them. I had to come back home sound and safe.
I don't want to die here...i CAN'T die here !!!

I will be strong...

That was the last sentence i thought before sleep takes over.

▪|To be continued |▪

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