Chapter 16 : From 5 to 4

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[ P.O.V - Y/N ]

The so called 'game' is now over.
I look at Ivy and Ju Haknyeon.

Y/N : " We can get out now ? It's safe right ? "

Ju Haknyeon : " Yes...i think it is know..."

We need to get out and find the others, i'm seriously worried for them.

Ivy : " Let's still be careful out there " she said.

She's right...

Who knows what we will find out there, what are we going to face.

As we said, we came out from the cold room back into the kitchen.
I suddenly flinch !! Right...i forgot about those bodies.

I look away from them and we reach the door, Ju Haknyeon pushed it slowly and have a peek outside.

Ju Haknyeon : " Okey, let's go "

And we left the kitchen walking into those corridors.

I still remember the first day here, we were all so amazed by this place and's just...i don't even know how to call it ?.....prison ?......Hell ?

Ivy : " Let's go back to the main room, i think it's the best to do to find the others "

Y/N : " Right, we don't have a choice anyway..." I said feeling down.

Ju Haknyeon suddenly puts his hand on my shoulder.

Ju Haknyeon : " Hey ! It's gonna be okay "

He looks deeply into my eyes with a reassuring smile on his face.

Ju Haknyeon : " We are gonna find the others "

I try to stay positif but it's hard now...i still manage to give him a small smile and we continue on walking.

When we finally arrived at the main room the only word that i could give to describe the place was....Mess.

People are crying, running, hurt, the place is up side down !!
The tables, chairs, decorations and other stuff was on the floor broked. Blood was chaos !!!

My concern is growing by seeing all of this and i start to run looking for Bella and the guys. 

Y/N : " BELLA !!!! " I run and shout.


Ivy and Ju Haknyeon were also looking for them.

Y/N : " JUYEON ! KEVIN ! JACOB !!? "

Ivy : " BELLA !!! "

Ju Haknyeon : " KEVIN BRO !! "

I was running until from afar i spotted a familiar face.

Y/N : " BELLAAAAAA !!!!! " I shouted and she turned around, seeing me her face lighted up and she started running toward me. We hug each other so tight, i didn't want to let go again, i didn't want to let her go...

Y/N : " Thank God you are alright !!! " My eyes teared up and i started to cry on her shoulder.

Bella : " I thought i was gonna lose you and Ivy, when you two disappeared ! " she also cried.

Ivy who saw us from afar came quickly toward us and hugged Bella as well.

Ivy : " Bella oh my gosh !! "

Y/N : " We are so sorry for leaving you up there !!! " i felt guilty.

Bella : "'s not your fault, i'm the one who didn't jump in time, it's all my fault !!! I'M sorry for making you girls worried "

Ivy : " He most important is that you are okay now "

Bella : " You should thank the boys, they are the ones who saved me ! Without them...i wouldn't even be here anymore..." she confess.

That's when i saw the guys coming toward us. I don't waste any more time and run to them jumping and hugging the nearest one, who turned out to be Juyeon.
He was taken aback for a moment but simply hugged me back.

Y/N : " Thank you so much...for what you did...thank you, thank you, thank you ! "

I realize my position and let him go, my cheeks having turned slightly red now.
He cleared his throat and said;

Juyeon : " Of's normal "

I then go and hug Kevin and Jacob too.

Y/N : " Thank you guys, you literally sacrificed your life to help us...that means a lot "

They simply smiled and Ju Haknyeon finally joins us.

Ju Haknyeon : " You guys are CRAZY you know that ? "

Juyeon laughed and gave Ju Haknyeon a pat on the back to reassure him.

Juyeon : " Yes...we know "

Ju Haknyeon : " Good to see you are okay " gives Kevin a small hug.

Kevin : " Same goes to you "


We went toward a table who was still standing and sat down.
We thought that nothing could be worse at the moment until Lia and the other girls came toward us running and crying their eyes out.

I stand up and catch Lia who was about to fall and made her sit down as the others did the same with the other girls.

Y/N : *holds Lia by the shoulders to calm her down* " Lia, look at me ! Breath okay !? Take a deep breath and calm down ! What is wrong ? "

She tried to make sentences but couldn't due to her cries.

Lia : " I...S-she..why ?...i NO..." cries even harder.

That's when, when looking at the other girls for more information i understood what was going on !...i look back at Lia, tears in my eyes not wanting to believe it but, i still had to ask her to be sure of my theory.

Y/N : " Lia...where is Ryujin ? "

I tried not to cry by pronouncing those words and i broke down in tears by her answer...i was right...

Lia : " Sh-...she's....d-dead...!!!! "

< To be continued >

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