Chapter 20 : " Unjoy "

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After the meeting we all went  in our own way, the girls went back to the room but i stayed...

Y/N : " Sunwoo ! Can i talk to you please ?  " i ask when i saw him alone.

Sunwoo : " Sure " he said.

We went for a walk on the deck of the boat.

Sunwoo : " So..." he started " What is it that you wanna talk about ? "

Y/N : " You remember the first day we came here ? When we were getting our keys for the room. "

Sunwoo : " Yes, i remember " he answered.

I stop walking.

Y/N : " Do you remember when we did an eyes contact ?  " 

He stopped walking as well and turned to me, looking at my eyes deeply and after a minute he spoke.

Sunwoo : " Yes....yes i remember..."

It was now sure that it was him, i was feeling less burdened now that i was sure. I just needed things to be clear in my head, it's one less thing to think about.

Sunwoo leans against the ledge and looks at me with eyes full of questions.

Sunwoo : " Why do you ask ? "

Y/N : " I just wanted to be sure that it was you " I reply.

He nods his head.

Y/N : " But...why were you staring at me ? "

Sunwoo : " Well...i honestly don't know myself, i was just waiting and looking around and my eyes just happened to lande on you and it seemed that you were doing the exact same, looking and walking. I was curious and you were the only person alone looking around. What else could i look at ? I had nothing else to do, so i was just watching what you were doing " he explained.

I nodded understanding but then...

Sunwoo : " But why were YOU looking at me ? "

I got surprised by the question.

Y/N : " W-what ? What do you mean, for the same reason I guess, like you said i was curious too " I said but i could feel my cheeks turning red from embarrassment. I hide my face by looking away at the sea.

I heard him chuckle.

Sunwoo : " I was just joking relax..."

I look back at him.

Y/N : " O-of course !!! I...i NEW !!!!

New : *comes out from nowhere* " Did someone call my name ? "

Y/N : " Oops, sorry New..." I apologize.

New : " problem " and he walks away.

I turn back toward Sunwoo, he smiled at me and just before he left.

Sunwoo : " Your cute and funny Y/N you know that ? 

Y/N : " I...i..heumm..." I struggle to form my sentences.

Sunwoo : * chuckles again* " See you later Y/N " and he left me there, red and speechless. I put my hand on my heart and it was beating pretty fast. What's wrong with me ?

I ask myself and started walking back to my room, where the girls were surely waiting for me.

I was walking in a corridor when i saw at the other end of the corridor someone coming from the previous corridor.

When i see the person, i suddenly stop from walking and i could hear my heart beat increase again but not from something positif.

There only a few meters away now, walking straight toward me...Mr.Kim....

He obviously saw me cause he was smirking. I started to freak out on my spot.

He was getting closer...and closer,...and closer until he was now five meters away from me. He didn't stop from walking and i just closed my eyes from fear.
He didn't touch me but came close enough just to rub my ear and said ;

Mr.Kim : " I can't wait to be on Friday...Y/N...Unjoy your free time " without stopping from walking.

I got chills all over my body. I wanted to cry, to scream, to hit him !!! His disgusting...and he's creepy, that was just too much !!

Once he had passed, i looked at him from behind. Fortunately for me he did not turn around and continued to walk.
I wait...looking at him until he disappears, once i no longer see him i started running at full speed to the room without turning around.

Once i arrive, i barge into the room and fall down on the ground, crying and shaking. Ivy and Bella saw me and immediately run toward me asking me what's wrong.

I explain everything to them and they got mad.

Ivy : " I swear i'm gonna kill this son of a b*ch !!!! "

Bella : " Did he hurt you or touch you ? " she ask worried.

Y/N : " No...but he was so close..i-i thought i was gonna faint " I cry out.

< Time Skip >

[ No One's - P.O.V ]

Y/N calmed down and she and the girls told the others about the inccident. Like Ivy à Bella they got mad, especially Juyeon, Lia, Yuna, Sunwoo and Ju Haknyeon.

The days pass slowly and the boat has never been so quiet. Almost no one dares to go out now, they are afraid.........afraid of dying......afraid of coming across a criminal, a psycho....or even....Mr.Kim....

The days passed very quickly, too quickly even....and it was already Friday....

[ In the girls room/ evening ]

Bella : " I-I...don't wanna go " she said scared.

Ivy : " I know, nobody wants to but....we don't have a choice...." she respond.

Y/N : *looks at her watch* " It's time....we need to go "

The girls went toward the main room and like last time, the room was beautiful. But they couldn't look at it the same now...

They sit at their table and after some minutes Mr.Kim enters.
The room went dead silence.

Fear...sobs...mad....thoughts...were the four words to describe the room right now....

Mr.Kim : " Welcome everybody, it has been some time now since last time we saw each other, a week now ! Now...let the second game of the second big night begin...." *smirks *

~ To be continued ~

 The Deadly Teen Cruise [ The Boyz FF ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora