Chapter 5 : The Rules

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[No One's P.O.V ]

Mr.Kim : "Ok, now let me explain how all this will unfold.
This is a stay of seven consecutive weeks, our cruise ship is ranked number three in the top of the best cruise ships, in twenty-six different countries.
You will have during the stay at your disposal, five swimming pools with three jacuzzis, two tennis courts that also do badminton. A mini golf course, a bowling alley, two libraries, four spa, a video game room, a clothing store, a large restaurant and six bars.
We also have a small museum of naturel history.

Now let me talk about some rules and how things work here.
All the activities are open every day from six in the morning until midnight.
During the night you are not allowed to circulate in the corridors or elsewhere in the boat, you must stay in your rooms from midnight to six in the morning. From there you have to ask yourself why ?
Well, ist quite simple. Knowing that everything is open all day, everything is closed at night to renew everything and so that the staff or the cruise member if you prefer to call them, as a break since they have none during the day.
You are also not allowed to go to private places reserved for staff. If there is a sign written 《 forbidden to access 》or 《 Reserved for staff 》on a door, then you are not allowed to enter it.

In addition a party is organized every Friday evening. It's a Teen Cruise !! The point is to have fun !! Without a parent,adult or sibling bothering you.
To celebrate your arrival a party is planned for tonight from eight o'clock here in this room.
That's all i have to say for now, if you have a question or need anything the crew members are there to answer it. If needed i would be in my office * smiles * on those, i wish you a wonderful day, see you tonight "  *on those Mr.Kim leaves the room*

[ Y/N - P.O.V ]

Mr.Kim leaves the room and i look at the girls.

Y/N : " Oh my god this is soooooo perfect !! "

Bella : " I know right !! " she responds.

~ Time Skip ~

Me and the girls went back to the room. We were sitting on our beds.

Rose : " Girls, i really want to go to the swimming pool !!!! "

Ivy : " HEY ! ME TOO !!! " She shouted back.

Bella : " okeyyy, let's go then ! "

Y/N : " Get into your swimsuit !! "
We were about to go change when suddenly Rose stops us.

Rose : Shouts " NO WAIT !!! "

Ivy : " What ? " confused.

Rose : " We have a big problem !! " panics.

To be continued...

I'm sorry the beginning is long but we are almost there :)

 The Deadly Teen Cruise [ The Boyz FF ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora