Chapter 17 : Revenge/promise

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Y/N : " W- what ? !!!!! She...she's not !! Impossible, it cannot happen !!" I collapse to the ground, crying my heart out.

Lia hugs me, a crying mess too.

Ivy : " How ? W-what happened ? " Ivy said trying to speak clearly through her sobs.

Lia takes a few minutes to calm down and started explaining.

~ Flashback ~

[ Yeji - P.O.V ]

We were hiding in a room, where we could stay safe until morning.
Sitting on the floor on a mattress, we are tight against each other hugging to keep us warm.

Yuna : " Girls...I-I know it's not the right moment but...i'm really really hungry " she said and her stomach made some noise right after.

I look at the other girls, we haven't eaten anything for a moment now. My stomach is also hurting from emptiness.

Yeji : " Yuna is kinda right, we should try to find something to eat don't you think so ? "

They look at me and then at each other.

Chaeryeong : " But...there is nothing to eat here ? "

I thought about it and then a stupid idea came on my mind, but...we had no other choice.

Yeji : " Maybe.. we should try to look for food outside ? " i suggest.

Their eyes widened and Lia screamed, shout.

Lia : *Whispers* " WHAT !!! ARE YOU MAD ?!!! IF WE GET OUT, WE'RE GOING TO GET KILLED !!! "

Yeji : " I know but we don't  have another choice !!! "

Lia thinks for a moment.

Yeji : " I will go and get the food, you girls just stay here " I said being impatience and stand up.

Lia grabs my arm to stop me a looks at me deeply.

Lia : " Okay, but you are not going alone !! " she told me.

Ryujin : *stands up* " I will join her "

Lia and me (Yeji) : " But-..."

She cuts us off.

Ryujin : " No buts, come one Yeji let's go. The sooner we leave, the faster we come back "

And with that we left.


We found food in a kind of reserve and we were now walking back to the girls.

Yeji : " I hope that Bella, Ivy, Rose and Y/N are okay ? They are really nice and right now we don't know who to trust and to not trust "  I said will leading the way back.

Ryujin : " Ya, i hope we can count on each other on that " she respond.

Yeji : " How did this cruise turned up like that ? I really don't understand how somebody can be that horful "



I frown.

Yeji : " Ryujin ? Are you listening to me ? " i ask her.

Silence again...

I turn around to see why she wasn't responding.

...and then i let go of what was in my hands and freeze.

She wasn't moving too, a gun on her temple, hold by a researcher who is standing right beside her.

Oh Sh*T !!!

Researcher : " Hahaha...going somewhere girls ? Without inviting me ? How sad, i think i'm gonna cry now " *Fake cries*

I look at Ryujin who was looking at me. I took my courage and dared to said ;

Yeji : " LET HER GO ! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US ?!!!!! " *I scream*

Researcher : " Me ? *points at himself* i don't know...? Maybe *thinks* your dead bodies ?!!!! "

He gave me goosebumps all over my body.

Ryujin mouthed me something.

Ryujin : " need to go whatever happens..."

Yeji : " What ? W-what do you mean ? " i said shaking.

Ryujin : *looks at the researcher* " You can kill me but you need to let her go then " she said making me speechless.


Ryujin : " Yeji please...i told you whatever happens go. Protect the others and run away from this f*cking place !!! "

Yeji : " No....i'm not leaving you..." I said will crying.

Ryujin looks at the researchers.

Ryujin : " Do we have a deal ?  "

He thinks for a moment, looking at me then at her and he smirk.

Researcher : " Deal..."

She nods her head and i could see a tear running down her face.

Ryujin : " Tell the others that i love them, survive...all of you...for me and get out of run Yeji...and never look back...Ok ? " she asked with her tears running down none stop on her cheeks.

Yeji : " Ryujin no !! "

Ryujin : " Please Yeji...don't forget go ! "

Yeji : " No-..."

Ryujin : " I SAID GO !!!! " she finally screamed. 

I was now a crying mess.
I didn't want to go and leave her here with this psycho.

I turn around but turned my head back at her.

Yeji : " Ryujin..."

The researcher was losing patience now.

Researcher : " Just f*cking go now stop being a pain in the a*s " he said irritated.

Yeji : " Shut the f*ck up you stupid psycho !!! "

Ryujin : " Go Yeji...Now ! "

Yeji : " You don't have to do this..."

Ryujin : "I know...but somebody has to..."

Yeji : " I will never forget you bestie "

Ryujin : " Me too... "

I finally turn around and started running against my will.

Ryujin : " RUN YEJI !!! RUN-...."

*Gun shot*

She was screaming at me, until a shot rang out...

I stop in my tracks...

I don't even want to turn around but my feets don't listen and turn around.

I could see her...her body, her dead body laying on the disgusting floor of that ship.

Monsters...Y-You are all monsters here !!!!....i.....I-I didn't even have time to hug her one last time...

I'm a crying mess again and started running away from this scene while thinking ;

Yeji (thoughts) : " I swear Ryujin, i swear...that i will give you justice !!!....i will take my revenge....i promise...."

~ To be continued ~

 The Deadly Teen Cruise [ The Boyz FF ]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ