Chapter 5

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Jordan's POV

"Let me fix that for you." She said and helped me with my tie. Although I did not really needed any help.

"You know I can tie my own tie right? I am a big kid now mom." I said to her playfully.

"I know you can do it on your own. But you will always be the little kid running around the house causing problems along with your sister. So as a mother I just want to take care of you." Mom said as she fixed my tie and patted me on the shoulder. "Perfect." She said with a proud smile on her face.

There is no better feeling than knowing you made your parents proud. It is fulfilling.

"Thank you for what you are doing here today. It really is important to me. I owe this man my life."

"I know mom. It's not a big deal. It won't be for long. Just until I caught the one that is causing problems." I said and sat on the couch that was inside her office.

"I know. Plus you kind of owe me one. Because of this you have a free pass for the interview today." She said as she leaned back in her chair.

"That, I am thankful for. I really don't like publicity." I said and in that moment, my mom secretary got in the office with a coffee for my mom and a glass of water for me.

She gave my mom her coffee and after that she made her way towards me. She placed the glass in front of me.

"Thank you." I said and gave her a small smile causing her to blush. She turned around quickly trying to hide it and left the office.

The truth is Anna is a very attractive woman and I know about her little crush for a while. I just don't feel like I am ready for a relationship.

"You know, when it comes to women you are pretty much like Sam." Mom said giving me a serious look.

"That's not true." I defended myself. I was quite offended with what she said.

"You both are sleeping around and don't do serious relationships, or relationships is general. I don't see the difference." She said and took a sip from her coffe.

"Well, for starters I make my intentions clear from the first moment. Your daughter is pretending to care more than she actually does and the pure girls think Sam is falling in love while they are falling in her trap. I don't lie to anyone."

My mom had a huge smirk on her face. Before she could say anything more there was a knock on the door and after mom gave them permission, a gentleman  in his fifties entered the room causing my mother to stood up to greet him.

"Fabio, my friend." They embraced eachother in a friendly hug. "It's been awhile. Although the conditions are not ideal, I am still glad to see you are well."

"Alex, it is really good to see you too. And thank you so much for this." He said.

Mr Rodriguez is not what I was expecting at all. I thought he would be an  old looking  guy with a big belly but he is actually a pretty good looking man. He is wearing a suit that is giving him a very neat image and he seems like he has been hitting the gym pretty hard. I should have known better. He was in my mom's unit after all.

"Fabio, let me introduce you to my daughter, Jordan." Mom said pointing at me while I was standing a few meters away from them.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Jordan. Thank you for what you are doing. It really means a lot to me." He said shaking my hand.

"Anything for a family friend." I said completely serious.

"Where is the daughter?" Mom asked Mr Rodriguez and she searched the room but she didn't find anyone.

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