Chapter 12

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Sammy's Pov

I need to do something. I know it's him. It must be my dad. I am scared.

I am so fucking scared he is going to hurt me and my moms. I have to talk to someone but it can't be either of my moms.

I need to talk to someone else that I can trust to keep us safe.

So I went to the one place I could find help. The company!

As I entered the big building I was greeted with a lot of familiar faces and a sea of smiles and greetings.

I went to the reception but I didn't see any familiar faces.

"Hello, how can I help you? Do you have an appointment?" A woman asked me when she saw me.

She must be new. I haven't seen her before.

"Hi! No I don't have an appointment but..."

"I am sorry I can not let you in without an appointment. Who do you want to see exactly?" She interrupted me.

"Well, I am here to see Jordan Dane, but..."

"Oh! I am sorry but Ms Dane is not available for anyone!"

"I know that but..."

"Sammy?" A familiar voice said as she made her way towards me to hug me.

"Anna! It's so good to see you. How are you?"

" I am good how are you? What are you doing here? Looking for your mom? " She asked me.

"No actually I am looking for my aunt Jordan!"

" Aunt? " The new girl asked shocked.

" Yes, she is Alex Dane's granddaughter!" Anna told her and she was filled with panic.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry I had no idea! Please forgive me. It won't happen again."

"It is not a problem at all. You didn't know and you didn't do anything wrong. You have nothing to worry about."

" Thank you so much! " She said smiling. She is actually quite nice. " I am gonna go check her office now. Thank you for your help and Anna it was nice to see you again! " I said and made my way towards the elevator.

But before I could reach it, I heard them talking.

" So she was looking for Jordan. Why? " The new girl asked. I didn't get the chance to ask for her name. Maybe next time.

" I have no idea but can you blame her? I would come looking for Jordan everyday if I could! "  Anna said with a sigh.

She has a huge crush on my aunt and everyone knows it. But Jordan doesn't really fool around especially with people she has to be around.

As I went in the elevator I pressed the button for the right floor and went towards Jordan's office only to find it empty.

Pff, great. Now I only have one more option but I wanted to avoid it because I know she is going to overreact and also tell my parents.

Maybe I should not go. It's probably just in my head.

I need proof before I make my decision!

I sat on my aunt's computer and hacked the company files.

Yes I know how to hack it's not a big deal.

Prison files! There it is.


It says that my father is still in jail so I guess I have nothing to worry about.

It was just in my head. Thank God.

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