Chapter 9: [UPDATED] Judge Part 2.

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Ruby POV:

Well. I was wondering where Yang went after class.

Ruby: "I mean, I figured it was obvious but it never hurt to check to see if it was him. And it is...Reed..."

Yang: "Y-Yep. I-I tried earlier and things went..."

Ruby: "Went...?"

Yang: "No progress...I didn't make things worse but I think I made a decent first step."

Ugh...I know Yang likes to go head first into things without a plan but this is serious! This is us trying to put our own family back together!

Ruby: "So what now?"

Yang sits on my bed next to me and grabs my hand and holds it in both of hers.

Yang: "You need to try. I know he probably doesn't want to see me again for a little bit. Neither do his two friends."

She can't be serious. She's putting all this pressure on me? It's not my fault that she fucked up!

Ruby: "Yang. You can't be throwing this kind of pressure on me. I'm only 17..."

Yang: "Ruby please! This is our chance! We can get our brother back! It'll take time but surely he could give us another chance!"

Would he? Would he now? It's my fault for existing...if I didn't exist then he would've been loved. I took everything from him. My whole existence is selfishness...

Ruby: "I don't see how or why. You said he completely broke down just from being around you in 15 minutes. Only 15 minutes passed and his walls broke down. How can I do this?"

She looks down and takes a deep breath, her eyes darting around and looking everywhere.

Yang: "M-Maybe because you two are twins...? I know you miss him a lot. I know you blame yourself for him leaving and having a miserable life at home. But we can't give up without trying a couple times. Please...I need him back...WE need him back. We all do."




Ruby: "sigh...fine...I'll try something."

She sighs from relief and gives me one of her classic bear hugs, thanking me over and over under her breath.

Yang: "I-I can try to make an appointment with Ozpin to see if we can pull this off tomorrow."


Oh god I feel sick from nervousness already.






Yang POV, 8 pm:

With our bellies full from dinner and tiredness starting to settle in, I decide to attempt to get this meeting started. I told Ruby to go over to Pyrrha's dorm for a bit while I head to the headmaster and...see if we're fucked or not.

I leave the main building and head over to the smaller inner building where his office is. I enter and step into the elevator, hitting the button and ascending the tower.


I don't think I've ever felt so nervous in my whole life. Usually I'm super relaxed and never care too much about what could happen...

But this is so different. I feel like my life is on the line with this. If I don't fix what we did...I'll never be normal again. Never be happy again. I'll just filled with the dread and guilt of destroying my little brothers childhood and mental state.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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