Chapter 8: [UPDATED] Judge.

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3rd person POV:

Reed floats out in the middle of space. A dreamscape. His own thoughts. Nothing but the stars to see out in the far far distance. He passed out due to extreme emotional distress and is currently floating in his own mind, his own consciousness. Little does he know of what's happening in the outside world between his sister and his two Faunus slaves.



Reed POV:

Reed: " head..."

I open my eyes and...

Reed: "Huh?! Where am I?!"

Wait. Wait a minute. This isn't real. I remember falling asleep...or passing out in someone's arms...whose was it?

Right. Her. Yang.

Yang said the family was practically broken since I left...

Why would they be?

What happened happened, nothing can change that and I want to know why...I want to know why I was forgotten for Ruby.

Was I a mistake?

Maybe they wanted only 2 kids or maybe only 2 daughters and them hearing about twins freaked them out.

I mean...I never did anything to actually make them hate me, right?

I would've remembered the act I committed to make my own blood hate me. But that's not the case. There's something I don't get. I'm missing something.

Maybe it really wasn't me. Something out of my control. Is it fate? My destiny? I was destined to be a neglected child?

Fuck you God if that's the case.






I float in this space for what feels like years thinking everything over. Then my mind stops racing when I think of two people.

Blake and Kali Belladonna.

Those poor girls. Left to fend against an angry society for crimes that...maybe they didn't commit. I don't know, I don't know their pasts.

Ozpin mentioned the White Fang. Was their family involved in it?

All I know is that I have no hatred towards them. I'm more of an outcast then they are and that's saying something.

They seem nice for the most part. A bit on the scared and nervous side since I'm still a human in their eyes.


What would a world look like if this never happened? Where Faunus and humanity were equals? Would I want to be friends with them still? Would I enjoy their company? Would they even like me?

...c'mon you little loser, set your anxiety down.

I wonder what their family was like. Probably way more normal and loving then mine.


I shouldn't keep going back to that. It's not healthy. But it makes me think of what my relationship with Yang and Ruby could've been if they never acted the way they did to me. Would we even be close in the first place? Would we be an inseparable trio? Would I even like Mom and Dad if we were a normal family?

The more I think about that, the more I see visions in my mind of all three of us doing everything together.

School, hanging out, staying up late at night playing games or watching movies...

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