Chapter 7: [UPDATED] The Other Side of the Coin

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Reed POV:

Well. Guess I can go to Glynda's class now. Those two will be doing their own thing so I don't think they'll mind. Not like anyone else is gonna be coming in here, right?

I knock on the door and open it slightly just so they can hear me.

Reed: "I'm going to Glynda's class now for a bit! Just to see what's going on here! Make sure this place is spotless for when I come back!"

Kali & Blake: "Yes Mister Reed!"

I sigh and head out of the dorm and...

Where am I going? I probably should have payed more attention to Ozpin and Glynda's tour. I don't imagine it'll be very hard to find out where I'm going though.
After a bit of searching, I finally come across Glynda's class.


Combat? They have a combat class here? Odd.

I open the door and see most of the students at their desks in groups working on some kind of project. Glad I didn't just walk in on a lecture or something. I quickly make my way over to Glynda's desk and sit in a chair next to it.

Glynda: "Is Beacon treating you well so far?"

Reed: "Well, I haven't been here for long so I can't say for certain but it seems alright so far. I only just went to the cafeteria with the two just so they could eat."

Glynda: "Mhm..."

She looks uncomfortable. Is she thinking about the two? Feeling remorse for them? Are there more humans who care for the Faunus then I realized? Ozpin made it sound like no one did.

Glynda: "You came at an alright time. The kids here are just working on some group projects and I was getting a bit bored."

Oh yeah. That reminds me.

Reed: "Why does this place have a combat class? I know these schools used to be for huntsmen and training against those Grimm or whatever they were called. But we're in a time of peace now. So what're we doing with this?"

Glynda: "Peace doesn't mean nothing dangerous is out there. Besides, we're a prestigious academy. We make it their moneys worth here at Beacon."

So...they do it for mostly shits and giggles then. Sure I guess. But there's nothing out there that me and Tex can't handle. I look out into the other side of the class with all the students and notice Pyrrha and her friends again at one table.

She's looking very determined and focused on that blueprint in front of her. She looks away for a second from the thing and notices me. She gives me a smile and a little wave, not to distract her other group members.

Glynda: "Oh? You know her already?"

Reed: "Met at lunch. And before you say anything, I gave the two cover names. And I didn't say my last name either. I'm in the clear."

Glynda: "Good, good. Wouldn't want a mess to start on your first day here."

Reed: "Yeah. What're the blueprints for? What's the project?"

Glynda: "During the old times of Beacon during the Grimm era, the future huntsmen would actually create their weapons at schools before coming to this one. So anyone from Vale or Patch would have gone to Signal for their years, make their weapon their and then come to Beacon after graduating. Ozpin decided to bring back that old tradition."

Wait. So these kids are making their own weapons? Like...guns?

Reed: "So these guys are making and designing their own weapons for when they might need to defend themselves?"

RWBY: Chains of Society (Blake Belladonna x M!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now