I'm wearing his shirt. There are no weapons on my body. This is the first time in a long time that i've slept with no weapon at my side, or under my pillow.

My holster is normally strapped to my calf. He grabbed his gun for protection, almost like he was used to it, like it was a habit. Like it was a life line.

Maybe there was more to him than I ever thought.

"What the fuck? Are you okay?" He asks as he lets go of his gun. His brows are drawn together.

I froze."What is this? What happened? Did we-" I can't even continue the sentence.

A giant smirk is plastered on his face, "If we did you'd remember it." He's enjoying this. Tormenting me brings him inner peace. I'm glad he didn't take advantage of me in my drugged state, but that still didn't explain why I was here here.

"Goddamn it," I sigh relieved. I need to get this addiction under control again. This was a one time thing.

"I found you drunk and high. Your words not mine, so I took care of you like one would say a gentleman would." The smirk was still evident as he readjusted himself.

He wasn't wearing a shirt. His entire chest was on display. I may hate his guts but it felt like my breath was held hostage in my lungs. It was obvious that the muscles it portrayed weren't just from working out, he bled for them. There were a couple tattoos I hadn't seen before snd a few scars as well as burn marks.

Where did those come from? Focus Liliana.

The memories began coming back, bits and pieces at least.

"Can I have my weaponry back and my clothes?" I feel really uncomfortable being in his proximity without a weapon, and with nothing but a shirt on. But strangely, I felt safe. In some way.

We have permission from the state to kill each other if deemed necessary. I'm a threat to him with or without a weapon, but when your opponent has access to a gun, having a knife would be a giant confidence booster.

Not that my confidence needs boosting.

"Everything you need is in the bathroom, Your deadly weapons that you depend on for life support are right there," He points to a drawer.

I walk to it and unlock it. Thank god the gun Logan gave me is still here. I run my hand across the engraved initials. I was afraid drunk me left it in the back of some alley.

One of my knives is missing. One of the ones I keep in my boot. I wasn't heavily armed when I went to the bar last night.

"Where's my knife?" He laughs as he walks to what I assume is the bathroom.

"It ended up in someone's shoulder, on our way home." He yells from across the hall.

Well, Thats a first. I'm sure they weren't an innocent civilian. Although I don't recall any of that taking place.

"Why did I stab them?" I need to make sure I didn't hurt anyone.

"Joe said there was some prick spiking a girl's drink. You dragged him to the alley behind the bar and beat him to a pulp." Okay, He deserved that. Even thought I can't remember that, I don't regret it one bit.

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