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Continuous from the last chapter..


"Let  me show you how to properly question a captive," she said forcing a smile.

She was till showing off because she was able to escape. It was obvious she wasn't excited about torturing someone even if it was a criminal.

I was born into the torture. I had to do it wether I enjoyed it or not. When you're used doing to something so frequently, you don't know how you feel about it.

I eventually came to love having to torture, those who deserved it only.

She escaped me once, but if I ever got my hands on Liliana Blake again, I'm never letting her go.

She opened the door to his cell and called the guards off. She ordered them to stand outside and not move unless they were instructed to.

The guard slid the door open wide. The man was tied down to a chair. His face was bloody and his head hung low.

Looks like Marcus and Amy wanted to have some fun before we got here. Fucking idiots.

"Well well, what do we have here?" She crouched down as she brought another chair from behind her and sat.

The fucker stared at her. He stared at her like he couldn't acknowledge the fact that she was powerful enough to question him. Even though a few hours ago, he was hanging from a wall using her knives.

I wanted to claw his eyes out for daring to look at her that way. She didn't need me to. She could do it all on her own.

"This could go one of two ways, the easy one is where you tell me everything I need to know and well," In one swift motion she grabbed her knife from her boots and threw it across the room. The knife screeched piercing the wall. Her voice was hard and serious. She didn't give him room to think she was bluffing. And if she was, it definitely wasn't obvious.

"You know the other one." He responded by spitting on the ground. I can tell she was disgusted, but she did her best hiding it.

"Lets start off easy. You have kids. Twins, was it?" My face dropped. I didn't think she would go as far as threatening the guy's family. He was a criminal, but the family was innocent.

"You're supposed to be fighting for justice and you want to harm my kids!" The man yelled. The anger on his face was evident. Lilliana's face remained the same, like it was made from stone.

"Yes, I fight for justice, but I don't stand for what you stand for. You tell me what I want to know, or your kids will serve as collateral damage." The seriousness in her voice filled the quiet room.

I doubt she'd do anything to the kids. She didn't need to. As ruthless as I am, I wouldn't hurt them.

"I used to be a twin once too." Her rising smile quickly dropped. A twin?

In every single record that wasn't sealed completely she was an only child. Liliana Blake doesn't have any siblings. Her parents never had a second kid. For a second I thought that maybe she was lying to get into the guy's head, but I knew better. She wasn't bluffing.

She got her other knife out of her shoe. Her long dark brown hair was in a ponytail swaying as she moved.

She held the knife against his throat a little further and she'd hit the carotid. Liliana knew her way around with a knife, She didn't need my input.

"The bronze Dragon. What's his real name?" She asked pressing the knife deeper, but not deep enough to cut.

"I don't know who that is," The man breathed out.

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