55.Over the years

617 52 3


"Shut up!"
Seokjin swats his brother who was trying hard to breathe between his laughter.

"Hyung ,you are 12"

"And what does that has to do with marriage?"

"Nothing.But shouldn't you atleast make sure he likes you first?"

Seokjin huffs ,taking a seat next to Yoongi and pouts "He does.I know "

"I am not so sure"

"You are 9.You barely know what you feel most of the time.And give that here ,are you planning to fall sick again"
He snatches the candy from his hands ,with a lot of struggle.Yoongi was short but stronger than him.

Yoongi pouts ,crossing his arms.

Seokjin gets lost in thoughts on how he can tell his feelings to Jaejoon when he realized and he gasps turning to Yoongi
"You don't mind that I am going to confess to a boy ?"

"Should I ?"
Yoongi tilts his head.

"I don't know.Maybe "
Seokjin plays with the hem of his jeogri ,biting his lips.

Yoongi shrugs "I think"

They remained silent until their mother called them and Yoongi hops down the wall and dusts his hanbok.Seokjin was still glued to his spot ,legs dangling down the stone arrangement.


Seokjin perks to him "You are still young to think about marrying him .I think you should first confess.Dont think about what others will say ,do what your heart pleases. Because?"
He leaves the sentence for Seokjin to complete, gums on display

"Because I am Kim Seokjin.No one can tell me what to do"

"There you g-"

"What are you two doing? Seokjin get down ! It's not concrete "

Lily appears in front of them ,hands resting on her hips as she glares down at the two boys

"Hyungie here wants to talk to you about something"
Yoongi says with an evil smirk before sprinting inside.

Seokjin gapes at him in disbelief

"What do you want to tell me?"

"Nothing you need to know !"
Seokjin hops off the wall,dashing to the forest.

Jaejoon gasps when a sudden shower of petals falls upon him and he looks up to see Seokjin sitting on the tree ,shaking
the branch

"What are you doing?"
He muses ,watching Seokjin shake the branch once more before getting down.

Seokjin pats his hanbok ,making a show and produces a tulip from his back and holds it in front of Jaejoon.

"What is this ?"

"A tulip.I tried to search for a rose but you know it's difficult to find one in this season and the one I planted haven't beared a flower yet either so"

Jaejoon watched between amusement and confusion as Seokjin kept shifting in his spot.He had never seen the latter so nervous before

"Are you alright Jin?"

Seokjin sucks in a breath and nods "Yes! Why would I not be fine ?"

"Then why are you sweating?"

Seokjin quickly wipes the sweat off his forehead and says "Jaejoon "

"Yes ? "

"I love you"
Seokjin breathes ,presenting the flower once more although his nervousness might have smothered it a little but it was still acceptable..he thinks.

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