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Yoongi should have realized it sooner that if he wants to date Jimin ,he has to match up to his energy and enthusiasm.
Seokjin had told him that he is almost a photocopy of himself which should have been enough of a warning in the first place.But when had he listened to his brother's advice?

He was currently sitting in a waiting room ,hoping whatever outfit Jimin chose now ,he likes it and they can fucking get out of this mall.

He has been parading all over the town with the pinkette ,on a supposed date .
They have visited the new amusement park ,had rode many rides even though Jimin was shit scared ,going on them in first place .He still don't know why he insisted then.A little voice in his head said 'to hold your hands tight' and that voice suspiciously sounded like Seokjin.

Seokjin.That's a whole new thing Yoongi has been distracted with.The latter haven't shown up in coven for weeks now,Taehyung seems okay but he knows he is still just as mad as he was that day .And he knows where Seokjin is but haven't tried to contact him on his own.He knows the latter will come around soon.

The door opens revealing Jimin in a fluffy yellow sweatshirt and black jeans.

Yoongi was quick to turn his attention to the male and he swears he didn't cooed.

"Too cute right ?"
Jimin scrunched his nose ,shying away but the Vampire could see that he also feels comfy and happy in it.

"Too cute "
Yoongi admits walking up to him.

Jimin was now pink looking anywhere but at Yoongi.This is so stupid.Why is he blushing like a teenager?

"But I want you to buy it "
Yoongi blurts .

Jimin's eyes widened just a little when the latter hastily completes "If you feel comfortable and liked it too I meant "

The Vampire rubs his neck sheepishly avoiding the eye contact.

"I will if you liked it so much"
He beams rushing back into the booth leaving a baffled Yoongi behind.

They went out of the shop ,Yoongi pays for the clothes despite Jimin's protests.

"It's only fair.Now tell me what else do you want to do"
He puts his hands in his pockets sending a lovestruck smile at the pinkette who's eyes lits up at something.

He grabs him by his arms and drags to the photo booth.

"Let's take pictures !"
Jimin said softly pointing at the empty booth.Yoongi tilts his head.What's this thing ?

"I don't see a camera here "
He frowns looking around and Jimin for one found it so cute as well as surprising.

"You haven't went in one of these ?"

Yoongi looks at him still as confused as he was before ,Jimin couldn't help but look around before placing a soft kiss on his lips ,loving how Yoongi froze ,turning red.

He is so cute ! He thinks in his mind and
says "There's a camera inside hyung.Now come on"

They took the photos and printed it before leaving the floor.Jimin was laughing his ass off at the first few .Yoongi had flinched so many times trying to find the source of clicking sound.

Yoongi doesn't know how long are they going to walk around in the mall .It's not boring with Jimin but he had never walked so much in a same day either. Well not for mundane things atleast. Not that he didn't liked it although.

"Hyung can you hold these ?"
Jimin nudges him ,shoving the shopping bags in his hands and turns to look at a full size mirror. His hairs were coming in his eyes, now and then and he needed to fix them once and for all.

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