Chapter 15

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Stevie doubled over in laughter, the two of them in hysterics on the sofa of her hotel suite as they recounted stories from their early years in Fritz. It was well past midnight now, but Lindsey decided to stay and "hang out" as they both tried to bury the hatchet over a bottle of wine — and many memories to go with it.

"Please, my stomach," she cried out, tears forming from her laughter.

"I'm going to have six-pack abs by the end of the night," he laughed along with her.

"Oh god, I'm so glad you stayed. I seriously forgot all about that day."

"Some of the shit we did was so stupid," he shook his head, the laughter finally subsiding.

"Well, all the weed we were smoking certainly didn't help."

He grinned, "Well, it helped it some ways."

She caught his eye with a laugh, "Do you still....?"

"When I can sneak away from my wife and kids in the studio."

"Well, your wife and kids aren't here now...."

He was shocked by her response, eyeing her curiously now, a wide grin taking over her face, "Tsk tsk, are you saying you've got something in this very suite, Miss Nicks?"

"I like to use it to write! For creative purposes."

"Well, as two creatives, we owe it to ourselves, I suppose. For old time's sake."

A huge smile broke out on her face as she jumped up to run into the bedroom. Lindsey eagerly waited, pleasantly surprised by the turn of the evening. Not long ago, they were ready to rip each other's hair out on stage. Now, they were laughing, drinking, and rolling joints together while reminiscing over the good ole days.

"Got it," she announced making her way back in, a perfectly rolled joint in hand, "I only have one left though, so we have to share."

"Fine by me," he watched as she lit the joint, taking a seat entirely too close to him on the couch as she took a drag, her eyes closing at the sensation. He couldn't help but think she looked incredibly beautiful in that moment.

She eyed him with a glare, feeling his intense gaze on her. Passing him the joint, she watched intently as he placed it between his lips, her eyes never once leaving him. She didn't smoke much these days, but there was something incredibly nostalgic and sweet about she and Lindsey finding themselves in this situation tonight.

"This evening has certainly taken a turn," he broke the silence finally.

"I'm not mad about it," she smiled, "Are you?"

"Certainly not."

"I love us like this," she sighed dreamily, sitting back against the couch, a slight high already hitting her.

"Me too, I like being friends."

She smiled, her hand tenderly grazing his jawline as he passed the joint back to her, "You're still so beautiful, Linds."

"Beautiful?" He groaned.

"Yes," she giggled, "Beautiful. You are. Always have been."

"Isn't this breaking the rules?"

"Yes," she sighed, "I'm sorry. It's the weed talking. Sort of."

"I'm trying so hard not to say anything on my mind, I don't want to get kicked out," he admitted.

She laughed, "Tell me what's on your mind. I promise I won't kick you out, I'm having too good of a buzz right now."

"I'm thinking about how I can still see that 17-year-old girl smiling back at me after all these years. And how incredible it is that somehow you're still able to make me feel like...this."

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