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It had been about two months since I talked to dragon, more or less. I didn't think I was capable of going back to him anymore, no matter how much it hurt.

I was getting worse, Vernon was getting worse, my insomnia was getting worse, my depression was getting worse, my mood swings were getting worse, my drinking was getting worse, my coping mechanisms were getting worse. Everything was getting worse.

When I was apparently manic, I went to Etheria and poured my heart out to her about being so fucking hurt about everything and how everything was getting worse.

Apparently I cried in her arms.

This was right after I waltzed into her office and talking about how pretty the sky was and how I felt like I was walking on clouds. Everything was a happy happy day, I said and she quoted.

I don't remember this, but I do remember telling Vernon he was a fat prick and despite him beating me, my mood didn't change. I felt euphoric, and I loved it. And I hated the aftermath.

I felt like shit. My bruised torso was sore, my arm felt like it had snapped in two, my eye was swollen and my jaw hurt every time I opened my mouth.

And my head hurt so much I stumbled into a door eight times.

Although, maybe that could be related to drinking. I don't remember much.

Etheria told me it was normal when I'd come out of my manic state and went to ask her about it. I'd been manic before, but I didn't know.

How was I supposed to know? I wasn't educated on any of it. I just knew I had mood swings.

I decided that, tonight, I'd go visit Ryan in the bar, for the first time in a while, and figure out what on earth I'd done whilst manic.

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