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I cried so hard the moment I saw pending. Writing that paragraph was so hard for me because I felt the exact same way he did, except when I told him it wasn't his fault, I couldn't say the same about me.

It couldn't have been his fault because it was mine.

And to top it all off, it was Harry James Potter, the boy I'd fallen for about a year ago when he saved me from the stupid fire that plagues my thoughts and dreams.

I'd fallen for him twice, and he blocked me.

All because I figured out who he was.

I wasn't mad, I really wasn't. But it hurt.

Because I too got attached to him.

And I missed him instantly.

I didn't know when or if he would ever add me back. I think I might've loved him. 

Once I connected Raven to Harry, I fell harder, because the perfect boy had flaws, just like I did, and it made him more human to me. And I didn't see anything wrong with him.

Whatever I felt for him was pure, and it still is, because the feelings never left.

Our texts meant the world to me, and on nights when I couldn't sleep, I read our chats, over and over, for hours.

I missed him so much.

I still miss him.

And it's been a month. 

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