Chapter 6 Fighting for my life

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"   As  another week went, by Maddie is still in the hospital. But her parents still come to visit her every single day they, would always sit by the side of her bedside. And talk to each other in a conversation so she, know's that there their while hearing . That she will be hearing familiar voices that she recognizes which might, get Maddie to wake Maddie from her coma. While hearing that from the nurse because they miss everything about there baby girl while they see her still in stuck struggling in hospital that even her twin sister Liv and both her, brothers Joey and Parker all praying, for a miracle that Maddie. Will hopefully make it and define the odd's. But the doctor say everything since she been admitted into, the hospital after the car accident. In the past several weeks have been a bit rough but it's the young, girl is still struggling while. With the issues Maddie had multiple seizures that the doctors believe it's due to after the injury and the scaring, in her brain that they scheduled Maddie. Too see a neurologist. After she running both  a physical exam and neurological exam fallowing by a ekg and electroencephalogram (EEG). A electrodes the neurologist, attached a device to Maddie to scalp with, paste-like substance or cap. The electrodes record the electrical activity of her  brain. After the  Kim Landers her new neurologist did a series of other test's.The doctor had a grave look on her face that made her mom,and dad both looking nervous and scared. The female doctor felt bad she had to tell more horrible news ,after what there daughter went through. And is suffering that they don't need. Anymore devastation

" flashback to, 3 week, ago",

"Doctor Lander what, is wrong with our baby said.As she cried in frustration"

" Mr and Mrs Rooney, after the agonizing of results. I believe the cause of Maddie is now having a multiple seizure, after in which shorten  out in period cause and. They where spaced out from each other judging what the doctors said by the testing and believe that her doctor, said after the accident the scaring. In the brain that as of. the consequences after the injury I'm sorry but you might wanna sit down for this because what I'm about, to you is going be sad that you might. Not handle it as the female neurologist while was still talking, but was cut off was interrupted. By one of her parents which got the neurologist mad, because she wasn't finished .Talking 

"What is it doctor, said Karen as completely worn out. Because she hadn't slept in weeks because of the daughter is suffering right now.

" Please doc whatever it is you can tell us we can handle it said Pete ." As he was trying to handle all his emotions. In at the moment

" Ok you will be warned, said as the female neurologist said. Mr and Mrs Rooney I'm sorry but after getting the, test result back I'm sad to say. You're daughter has just been diagnosed with epilepsy and believe, that what causing her seizures.

" So what can you do doctor, Lander's said Karen who about. Faint after hearing the horrible news that there baby girl, is living with a condition that might. Take her life while dealing multiple health issues. Right now

" Well I believe we need, to start her on anti seizure medications. Right away to control all the activity in what's going on her brain along,  a produce and many therapies. And we will can include a another, appointment so we keep on top of it. Said Dr Kim Landers we shocked it happened. While she's still in her coma

" Will that delay her, recovery process said Pete"As he continued crying.

" I believe  can't answer, it that so her primary doctor. James Williams will have to answer that I will page him right now. But I'm going to leave the room. So as the neurologist page for Maddie's primary doctor who, Immediately entered the teen girls. Privet hospital room in the Icu unit he quickly. Answered her parents question

" Hi Karen and Pete to answer your yes sadly I'm believe yes  it will, unfortunately it will delay her from her recovery. Process While Maddie is still healing. And after experiencing from all the  trauma she  is going through and might be going at. Very slow rate to recover. And will probably be here for awhile so we don't know when, she will wake up and badly effected. Will be said doctor James Williams

" That's terrible, the poor thing she been through do much. Said Pete that our family is going through do much he'll, right now as he shouted out I'm angered.

" Look Pete I know, this is hard but I think you should. Continue see your therapist Pete she will help as you are going, through this I'm sure or will get. Better slowly

" Doctor how will, things get ant better huh because my daughter. Was in a a car accident and now she won't be the same, again so do somethings he yelled.

" Pete please this is a hospital you need, to calm down of you can't do. That I'm going ask you leave.

" Ok fine I will calm, down said the man as he took. three full deep breaths to help both his anxiety. Pent up emotions which didn't take too long. So ounce he was calm they had a private conversation with both Maddie's doctor and new neurologist. About the prescribed drugs Maddie will be. On and making sure she is in the right dosage to control the, seizure since recently just being. Newly diagnosed with epilepsy and is on 247 care from all the doctors, and nurses that they have. Watch her carefully while hopes of waking up from, her vegetative state slowly in process. The whole family keep going to group therapy since all the, emotional trauma they are going through right now. And believe that professional help will, them through this difficult. Time while Maddie is in the hospital but they all know she is a fighter and doesn't give up that easily while, facing a long road of obstacles and hurdles that lie ahead of her if she.That if she ever come around so they all still keep. Her in there prayers because that all the can do for right, now while trying schedule time visit. Her in hospital if not having any other issues and doctors, say it ok because there days they can't. So I guess they just have to take it one day at a time.

End of flashback

" After a long morning, all nurses where all exhausted because. They tended to Maddie for at lest 3 hours straight, and where ready to fall over. Because. Her cases is very complicated right now one of the nurses was, told she should stay with the patient. Because she known have seizures and can't be left alone so she has be, supervised at all times. So as the female nurse sat by girl bedside still looking horrible, today is Wednesday which is. Her dialysis day they still waiting to find her a a kidney donor's in order to have a double kidney transplant. But there's still list so it's a process her both broken leg and arm are healing doctor James Williams, want set up appointment to. If the bones have been set right wants by doing .A fallow up X-ray. The cast won't come up off 4 to 8 weeks and Also cat scan of her whole body. Along with many test if she doesn't have any other complications, that don't daly them.

" Hi Maddie sweetie its, your nurse Fern the doctors. Want me to stay with in here with you because I was told, you have new medical issues and can't. Be left alone so I will be by your side while I tend medical, needs now I'm going change your. Both all medical equipment like feeding tube and foley bag and etc since I can't leave the room I have to call for another nurse. To help me out you will get through I just know it so as the female, nurse pages for another nurse she began to. Wait for there assist

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