Hagrid's Tale.

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"Oh— Here comes Harry, Ron, and Hermione," (Y/n) murmured, turning up her ear as she listened to the trio's footsteps growing closer to Hagrid's cabin. "I do hope they covered their tracks..." As though on cue, there came three knocks through the cabin.

"Hagrid, it's us," Harry called through the keyhole.

"Shoulda known!" said Hagrid. "Bin home three seconds... Out the way, Fang... Out the way, yeh dozy dog..."
The bolt was drawn back, the door creaked open, and Hagrid's head appeared in the gap.
Hermione screamed.

"Merlin's beard, keep it down!" said Hagrid hastily, staring wildly over their heads. "Under that Cloak, are yeh? Well, get in, get in!"

"I'm sorry!" Hermione gasped as the three of them squeezed past Hagrid into the house and pulled the Cloak off themselves so he could see them. "I just— oh, Hagrid!"

"It's nuthin', it's nuthin'!" said Hagrid hastily, shutting the door behind them and hurrying to close all the curtains, but Hermione continued to gaze up at him in horror.
Hagrid's hair was matted with congealed blood and his left eye had been reduced to a puffy slit amid a mass of purple-and-black bruises. There were many cuts on his face and hands, some of them still bleeding, and he was moving gingerly, which made Harry suspect broken ribs. It was obvious that he had only just got home; a thick black travelling cloak lay over the back of a chair and a haversack large enough to carry several small children leaned against the wall inside the door. Hagrid himself, twice the size of a normal man and three times as broad, was now limping over to take a seat at the table, for (Y/n) was taking care of the tea.

"What happened to you?" Harry demanded while Fang danced around them all, trying to lick their faces.

"Told yeh, nuthin'," said Hagrid firmly. "Want a cuppa?"

"Come off it," said Ron, "you're in a right state!"

"I'm tellin' yeh, I'm fine," said Hagrid, straightening up and turning to beam at them all, but wincing. "Blimey, it's good ter see you four again— have good summers, did yeh?"

"Hagrid, you've been attacked!" said Ron.

"Fer the las' time, it's nuthin'!" said Hagrid firmly.

"Would you say it was nothing if one of us turned up with a mound of mince instead of a face?" Ron demanded.

"You ought to go and see Madam Pomfrey, Hagrid," said Hermione anxiously. "Some of those cuts look nasty."

"I'm dealin' with it, all righ'?" said Hagrid repressively.
He twitched aside a tea towel that had been lying on the table. Underneath was a raw, bloody, green-tinged steak slightly larger than the average car tire.

"You're not going to eat that, are you, Hagrid?" said Ron, leaning in for a closer look. "It looks poisonous."

"It's s'posed ter look like that, it's dragon meat," Hagrid said. "An' I didn' get it ter eat."
He picked up the steak and slapped it over the left side of his face. Greenish blood trickled down into his beard as he gave a soft moan of satisfaction.
"Tha's better. It helps with the stingin', yeh know?"

"So are you going to tell us what's happened to you?" Harry asked.

"Can', Harry. Top secret. More'n me job's worth ter tell yeh that."

"Did the giants beat you up, Hagrid?" asked Hermione quietly.
Hagrid's fingers slipped on the dragon steak and it slid squelchily onto his chest.

"Giants?" said Hagrid, catching the steak before it reached his belt and slapping it back over his face. "Who said anythin' about' giants? Who yeh bin talkin' to? Who's told yeh what I've— whos' said I've bin— eh?" (Y/n) sent Hermione a pleading look that Hermione casually played off.

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