The Start of Term.

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"Better hurry, (Y/n)!" Hermione exclaimed as she came into the room, finding (Y/n) touching up her makeup. She was already dressed and her hair was done. 

"All right," (Y/n) said, finishing up her makeup. She capped the tube and eyed her appearance: her white Folklore cardigan with its blue stars that was tucked into a pair of straight-legged jeans. She paired this with a simple pair of shoes and her (curly/curled) hair was tied into a low ponytail with a few strands of hair pulled out in order to frame her face.

"Ready?" Hermione asked, picking up Crookshanks. Hedwig was perched on her shoulder and she looked very flustered indeed She had been watching (Y/n) for nearly the entire time (Y/n) was getting ready. "I love your cardigan," Hermione said.

"Taylor's merch is something I will always adore," (Y/n) beamed. "I haven't missed a single merch drop or restock," she said. "Well, I wouldn't be the one missing it... Regulus is the one who supports my addiction." Hermione grinned. As they left the room, Mrs. Black and Molly's screaming voices could be heard. Hermione parted from (Y/n), heading upstairs to give Harry his owl. 



"All right, Ginny?" (Y/n) asked as she came downstairs, her cat carrier held in both of her hands and her sphynxes pleading cries rather loud.

"Yeah. Mum patched me up," Ginny said. Bill was holding an ice pack to the back of Ginny's head, looking very exasperated indeed.

"Moody's complaining that we can't leave unless Sturgis Podmore's here, otherwise the guard will be one short," Bill informed.

"I know."

"...right," Bill murmured awkwardly.

"Harry doesn't sound too happy about needing a guard—"

"WILL YOU LOT GET DOWN HERE NOW, PLEASE?" Molly bellowed. Mrs. Black was still howling with rage that nobody bothered listening to, let alone close her curtains.

"Harry, you're to come with me and Tonks," shouted Molly.


"Leave your trunk and your owl, Alastor's going to deal with the luggage... Oh, for heaven's sake, Sirius, Dumbledore said no!"
A bearlike black dog had appeared at Harry's side as Harry clambered over the various trunks cluttering the hall to get to Molly.
"Oh honestly..." said Molly despairingly, "well, on your own head be it!"
She wrenched open the front door and stepped out into the weak September sunlight. Harry and the dog followed her.

"Hermione, Ron, let's go!" Arthur bellowed.

"Fred, George, to the hallway, please!" Remus shouted as he came into the room where Bill, Ginny, and (Y/n) were. "Ready, Ginny?" he asked. Ginny nodded and stepped away from her brother.

"Who am I going with?" (Y/n) asked no one in particular.

"Me," Bill chirped.

"Oh," (Y/n) said tensely. She had been avoiding Bill ever since his disregard of her feelings.

"That won't be a problem, will it? I'm sure Dad won't mind you joining him, Ron, and Hermione," said Ginny knowingly.

"No, it's fine," (Y/n) said.

"If you say so," Ginny shrugged, following Remus in joining the twins.

"When're we leaving?" (Y/n) asked nervously.

"Two-minute mark," Bill answered. "Two minutes after Remus's group leaves."

"We won't be late?"

"No. Mum was exagerating... Though, it wouldn't hurt to speed walk to the station. It's a twenty-minute walk."

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