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"I look like a clown in this," I state, eyeing the girl in the mirror who's staring back at me with disgust on her face. This dress was not made for my body type, my skin tone, my hair - just me in general.

"You're being ridiculous, you look hot as fuck."

Atlas, my best friend of several years says from behind, staring at me in the mirror. He's pinching his bottom lip between his thumb and index finger as if he's deep in thought.

"Okay, maybe you should go for something else." He decided that I was right without actually saying it out loud and goes back to flipping through my closet.

We've been doing this for an hour and we still haven't decided what I'm gonna wear for my date tonight.

Yes, a date. I haven't had one since my last relationship which was back in high school. It's pathetic considering I'm turning 24 soon.

"Do you really think it's a good idea for me to go out?"

Atlas stops flipping through the hangers, freezing his hand before turning around and looking at me through his thick brows.

"Do you want to go?"

"Yes, bu-"

"No but. If you like this dude and you wanna go then I don't see a reason for you not to go. However, I still think you should've asked for that guy's number from last week." There's a hint of slyness in his tone as he turns back around and looks for the perfect dress.

"You're unbelievable." I groan, falling back against my mattress in my silky robe.

Last week Atlas and his friends dragged me to a party downtown. It was very rowdy and they all got wasted while I was fine sipping my three cocktails throughout the night.

It was alright as long as we were dancing and chatting through the loud music but then his friend Amy came up to me and started rambling about this handsome British guy she met while getting a drink. He told her that he was going to be in the bathroom because she was being flirty.

I saw the jealousy on Josh's face when his girlfriend told us all of this but he quickly brushed it off when he told us her plan.

Her plan of sending me into the lion's den as bait because in her words "I need to live a little".

I didn't want to go at first, even though the idea of what this mysterious guy looked like really piqued my interest.

After downing the rest of my cocktail and listening to the couraging words of both Atlas and Amy, I decided to do it and went after him.

He was even more good-looking than I imagined and the sex was incredible. Truly one of the best ones I had.

I thought it was going to be awkward after it but he was being a gentleman, making sure I was alright and once we cleaned up a bit, we fled from the bathroom and that was it.

I have to squeeze my thighs together when I think about it, it was so fucking good.

However tonight I'm going on a date with a guy who I met a month ago. He always comes into the coffee shop right after two and he's been trying to flirt ever since first coming in.

He's super hot and handsome and he's very sweet from what I know so I thought I'd give it a shot.

"If the date turns out shit we can always look up this Harry guy." Atlas has a smirk on his face as he flips around and tosses a dress on my stomach, the hanger hitting my hip bone.

"Ow," I complained, rubbing the spot. "Can you shut up about him already? It was a one night stand. I think that's the phrase they use in England too, isn't it?" I tease, biting back my grin as I hop off the bed and change into the dress he threw on me. It's a dark green silk dress that's loose around the neck and there's a slit on the side of it.

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