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surprise double update!


Atlas has been busier than usual. There are times when he has more clients than the average but still he would make time to talk to me.

However, it's been about three weeks since he talked to me.

I'll admit, at first I ignored him while I dealt with the trauma the attack caused me. But once we settled into the new house and I got back on track with my life, I wanted to meet up with him.

He told me he was busy but he'll make time for me. So I busied myself with being a mum, working and taking care of my mum.

She had her surgery two weeks ago and luckily it went well. She spent three nights at the hospital after the surgery and then she was let home.

Harry got her an at-home nurse. I refused at first and had multiple arguments with him about it but in the end, I realised it was the best option we have.

My mum needs someone who can lift things for her and my arm still hasn't fully healed so I can't exactly help her. Harry's other reasons were the fact that I can't overwork myself by being her nurse, being a mum and also working.

I gave in and let him get one of the best nurses who now stays with mum and the twins for the next six weeks.

Now I'm walking downstairs from my mum's apartment after visiting her for a couple of hours. She loves having company and absolutely hates sitting around and doing nothing but that's exactly what she has to do now. Heal.

On my way to the car, I get a random idea so instead of going straight home from my mum's, I change my destination and drive.

Fifteen minutes later I walked into the tattoo shop owned by my best friend. I spot Andy at the front and he greets me with a big smile.

"Blondie! Haven't seen you in ages!" He steps out from behind the counter and wraps his big arms around me.

Andy may seem scary but he's a total teddy bear. I don't think there's an inch on his dark skin that's not inked. He's above six feet and his body looks like he lives in the gym.

"I know. I kinda went brunette for a while but we're back to blonde," I say a bit awkwardly. He hasn't seen me in ages that is correct. I think the last time he saw me was when I was getting the snake on my foot tatted.

"I dig the blonde, you should keep it," he picks up a lock between his fingers before dropping it and taking a step back. "What can I do for ya? Here to get tatted again?"

"Maybe another time. I'm just looking for Atlas. Have you seen him today?" I know he's not always here, he runs errands during the day but I thought it was worth a shot.

"Yeah, he's in the back doing paperwork." He nods towards the backroom which is essentially his office.

I thank Andy before walking through the hallway and knocking on the door of the small office. Atlas' voice rings through as he answers so I twist the knob and enter.

His eyes widen when he sees me and I smile brightly at him.

"Thought that if you couldn't escape this place I could come down here and visit you."

"Of course. Yeah, I'm sorry I've been a bit busy." He scratches the back of his head. He seems a bit thrown off but I guess he was just deep in the paperwork and I interrupted him.

"How are you?" He asks, closing his laptop and putting it on top of a small pile of papers.

"I'm fine, just went to see mum," I walk behind his desk so I'm next to him and he watches my every move.

Keep Driving [h.s]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin