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"Did you have fun with Leclerc?" The question coming from Harry doesn't surprise me. I can tell it bugs him that I was spending time alone with Charles but it was his idea to bring him here in the first place.

"Yeah. It was nice talking to him again." I reply curtly, taking the bandage off my arm. My wound has been healing nicely, it didn't get infected or anything which is great. Now I just need to wait a little longer to get the stitches out so it can fully heal.

"What were you talking about?" He asks after a bit of silence.

"Just how he is and how I've been. We used to talk often we he came into the café for his break." I put rubbing alcohol on a small cotton round and carefully wipe my skin near the wound to take off any leftover glue from the bandage.

"Mhm," he hums, rinsing the shampoo from his hair before turning the water off. I can't help but smile at his jealousy.

He steps out of the shower, dripping wet and grabs a fluffy white towel, wrapping it around his waist.

"What are ya smiling at?" He asks a small smile appearing on his face.

"Nothing. You're just cute when you're jealous." I admit, biting my lower lip before focusing back on my arm.

"I'm not jealous. I know you're mine." The way he says that makes my stomach flutter so I try and hide my blush.

"Let me see," he steps closer to me and my blood freezes for a second thinking I'm gonna embarrass myself for blushing but Harry has other plans.

He carefully grabs my hand turning me so he's able to see my arm.

At first, I hid it from him. I didn't want anyone to see it especially not Harry. I know he blames himself for what happened and my wound is only a painful reminder for him that it actually happened.

I wish it didn't.

He inspects it for a while, checking it from different angles, and carefully touching the area near it to check if it's swollen. He barely touches me and yet he sets my skin on fire.

He grabs a new bandage, opens it and carefully puts it over the wound.

I keep my eyes down on my arm the entire time, not daring to look up at him. I don't want him to see me blush.

Just as I thought that his hand grabs my chin and tilts it up so I'm forced to look at him. His green eyes flick between my eyes and then to my lips before landing back on my eyes.

"I want to sign her birth certificate." I blurt out.

He's taken aback by my random statement, his brows pinching together in confusion before he understands what I'm talking about.

"Are you sure? I won't force you to," his hand moves from my chin to cup my cheek and out of habit I lean my head into his touch, nodding slowly.

"I want to. She means too much to me. I want to stay in her life, even if this ends." I don't know what came over me but I'm glad I got this wave of courage. It's a scary thing to admit especially to him.

"You think this will end?" His expression wavers a bit.

"I don't mean this," I motion between us. "I mean when you find Cairo and I won't be in danger anymore."

"Oh," I can hear the relief in his tone when he lets out a breath. "I get it. But you know I wouldn't kick you out even after he's gone. I like having you around. We like having you around." He quickly corrects himself, involving Soleil in this too.

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