Chapter 6: [UPDATED] Cracks Forming

Start from the beginning

They both bow their heads quickly and begin devouring everything in front of them.

Wow...they must have been starving. I assume this stuff is probably a 5 star meal in comparison to what they had before...and now they'd be getting this meal 3 times a day instead of eating crumbs once a day.

Reed: "Just like earlier with those two girls we met, I need you guys to keep that facade going. While I don't think anything bad would happen to you's best to stay safe. If anyone interacts with you guys that isn't Ozpin or Glynda...act natural. Act normal. Okay?"

Even with their mouths full they stop and nod before continuing to eat. I sigh and rest my head on my hand-

???: "Hey! It's you again!"

Isn't that...?

Pyrrha: "Hello!"

Oh no...?

I turn my head and see that Pyrrha girl with a couple of what I assume are her friends. A blonde guy, a black haired guy with a pink streak in his hair and then an orange haired girl who seems way too energetic.

Reed: "Remember you two...just call me Reed while you're undercover...starting now." I say snapping my fingers at them, signaling them to start now.

They both nod as the other three go to get their lunches. Pyrrha sits down on my left and rests her head on her hands.

Pyrrha: "Sorry if we asked any personal questions earlier Reed. You just look so much like someone else I know and I just had to ask."

Reed: "It''s fine. Sometimes you just need to go for it and that's what you did."

The others come back and take a seat. The blonde sits to the right of Kali with the black haired guy sits next to him. The orange hair girl then takes her seat next to Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: "Anyways! This is Jaune! Then Ren! Then Nora!"

Jaune, the Blonde. Ren, Black Hair. Nora, Orange.

Pyrrha leans in and covers her mouth partially with her hand.

Pyrrha: "Jaune Arc. According to him, his name is short, sweet and rolls off the tongue. Also according to him, the ladies love it. You believe that?"


Reed: "I'll have to see that in action to believe it."

Pyrrha giggles as she returns to her original spot. I noticed Kali chuckling and rolling her eyes from the joke...

Wait. Her ears! Her...human ears? They have those? I guess it makes it easier to blend in.

Jaune: "And who are you two? You guys new here? You're wearing the uniforms after all."

Blake looks a tad bit nervous but Kali takes a deep breath and smiles.

Kali: "No no. We're visiting from Mistral and our clothes got pretty dirty on the way here. Ozpin offered us the uniforms until we could get ourselves some new clothes."

Kali grabs a napkin and cleans her mouth before putting the tray further away from her.

Kali: "My name is Kali. This is my sister Blake. It's nice to meet you Jaune."

Blake: "N-Nice to meet you..."

Jaune: "O-Oh! Of course!"

Is he blushing? What an idiot. I'm sure he's a decent guy though. Maybe.

Pyrrha: "Another person from Mistral?" She says with a sad smile on her face.

Kali: "Yes. Is that bad?"

RWBY: Chains of Society (Blake Belladonna x M!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now