chapter 3. Crowd

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Fingers would be pointed, it's where you stand that matters.

This work is not edited)


I sat on the bench, trying to savor the peaceful moment, but it was short-lived. An intruder appeared, interrupting my solitude, and I felt a surge of irritation.

"I'm not in the mood to play host, so please save yourself and get back inside," I commented, not looking at the person who dared to disturb me, my voice laced with annoyance.

But instead of leaving, the intruder took a seat beside me, his eyes fixed on mine with an unnerving intensity.

"Nah, I'll pass on that. Everyone seems to be walking on eggshells since your warning," he said, his tone nonchalant, but I could sense a hint of mockery.

I turned to face the person, ready to unleash a lecture, but my words caught in my throat when I saw who it was. My eyes widened in shock, and I felt a wave of emotions: anger, confusion, and a hint of fear.

"You?" I questioned, stunned, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes, me," he nodded, his eyes still fixed on mine, his expression unreadable.

"What do you want?" I snapped, my annoyance growing, my patience wearing thin.

"I'm sorry about your mother's death," he said sincerely, but it felt like he was apologizing for someone else, and I sensed a hint of insincerity.

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued, my mind racing with questions.

"Yeah, yeah. Are you done?" I said, my tone dripping with sarcasm.

He sighed, "Listen, I'll just get straight to the point. Your grandfather asked me to fetch you."

I burst out laughing, unable to contain myself, my eyes welling up with tears. "You? What's so funny?" he asked, annoyance dancing in his tone, his face reddening.

I glared at the stranger, my patience wearing thin, my anger boiling over. "Like I said, I appreciate the joke, but it's high time you leave," I spat, my voice venomous.

Aunty Esosa intervened, her voice laced with urgency, her eyes wide with fear. "Nix dear, I think it's high time you find out the truth."

I turned to her, confused, my brow furrowed in frustration. "What truth, Aunty?" I asked, but she didn't answer. Instead, she pulled me into the house, leaving the stranger standing alone in the garden, his eyes fixed on me with an unnerving intensity.

"I think I should ask them to leave" aunty whispered to me but before she could move I held her back.

" Let me" I thought she was going to argue but instead she nodded. I smiled walking up stairs to my cousin
Sister Idara room picking up her Bluetooth rechargeable PA, walking downstairs and setting the speaker before squeezing my way in between people to get to the middle.

"Shut up!" I yelled, my voice echoing through the room, my hands shaking with anger. "Party's over. Get out!"

The room fell silent, and the guests began to file out, their faces filled with shock and discomfort. But one woman remained, her eyes blazing with anger, her face red with rage.

"Girl, didn't your mother teach you respect?" she spat, her voice venomous.

I smiled sweetly, my eyes flashing with defiance. "Oh, she did. But you don't qualify for it," I said, my voice dripping with disdain.

The woman's face turned redder, and she raised her hand to slap me, but I was ready for her, my eyes locked on hers, my jaw set in determination.

And that's when things escalated.
Awkwardness hung in the air like a thick fog, suffocating me. I glared at Aunty Amanda, my patience worn thin. "You're Aunty Amanda, aren't you?" I said, my voice laced with venom. "The woman who called my mother a slut and told her she deserved what she got?"

Aunty Amanda's eyes widened in shock, and she took a step back, her face pale. But I wasn't finished.

"The only slut I see is you, Aunty," I said, my voice rising, my hands on my hips. "You tell everyone here that the source of your money is from your boutique, but we all know the truth. You're a professional prostitute who runs a prostitution business."

The room fell silent, and all eyes were on Aunty Amanda, their faces filled with shock and horror. She looked like she had been punched in the gut, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"How dare you!" she shouted, her voice hoarse with rage, her fists clenched at her sides.

But I just laughed, my eyes flashing with triumph, my head thrown back in defiance. "Ask her brother, he was the one who told me," I said, pointing to the man who was trying to hide in the corner, his eyes fixed on the floor in shame.

I turned to face the crowd, my eyes blazing with anger, my voice rising to a shout. "Get out, all of you! I hate that you could make me feel this way."

The crowd scattered like headless chickens, and when the last of them left, I slammed the door and ran to my room, my heart racing with emotion. I picked up my pillow and pressed my face into it, muffling my scream as I released all the stored-up emotions pleading to be free.

Tears streamed down my face as I sobbed uncontrollably, my body shaking with rage and hurt. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of emotions, unable to escape the pain and anger that had been building up inside me for so long.

But as I cried, I felt a weight lifting off my shoulders. I had finally spoken the truth, finally stood up for myself and my mother. And in that moment, I knew that I was free.

The courage of nix could be her week point or maybe her downfall 🙃.

I loved how she has a heart of forgiveness without even knowing she does.

Well, tell me what do you think in the comment section.

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