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Hey guys. So I'm going to update soon, I promise. Let me just quickly jump into what's been going on and why I've been inactive. So my mom got sent to the psych ward 💀 she lowkey (ok maybe highkey) neglected and abused me my entire childhood - but no one ever knew that until now. So now I'm living with my dad full time while she tries to "heal." Even after my dad found out about so much that happened when I was a kid, he still wants me to try and forgive her and go back to half custody. Which hurts. I wish he could go into my brain when I was 7 hiding in a closet and crying cause I didn't want to be at my moms unhealthy house. Maybe then he'd understand.  Anyways- my mom is trying to have custody of me for one day a week💀 she says I'm "too much to handle"  for more than that. Like okay thanks, so can I just stay with my dad? But my dad doesn't want me full time. Honestly might just move onto the streets at this point, at least then I wouldn't have to feel like such a burden.

Anyways. I've been in the hospital for the past week. They shoved an "ng" tube down my throat. Was lowkey the worst experience of my life. They then pumped my stomach with over 30 000 ml of liquid that flushed me out, before invasively looking for the root cause of my stomach pain. Nothing has really changed, they just handed me tons of meds and sent me on my way. The tube is out tho and hallelujah for that.

Schools been crazy.

Works been crazy. I got promoted to a manger.


I'll update soon.

Sorry for the long update 😃☝️.

-Author L

Ps. I cant stand when people excuse bad parenting on trauma or mental illness. Heal BEFORE you continue your bloodline.

My father keeps making excuses for my mom, saying just let the medication kick in, and then she'll be back to "normal". I don't think he gets that there's never been a remotely "normal" mom for me. And what does normal even mean?

Just because my mother is on 10 medications now instead of 2, doesn't mean she stops being mentally ill and stops being an emotionally absent parent.

I have depression. I take meds for it. Yet I'm still mentally ill.  And I don't feel or act "normal"

I wish my dad would understand that she's never going to be "normal" or "not mentally ill" medication only goes so far. And from what I've seen, it just makes her tired and sad instead of the usual angry and hyper.

If anyone who's reading this has parents who are like this too, please comment. I need to know I'm not the only one dealing W this.

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