Chapter 2- The team

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As I step inside the BAU,

my body relaxes. For the past couple months I've had to stay with Shane. But now that I've finally gotten this job, I get to escape a little. And not only do I get to escape from monsters like shane, I can help other people catch their monsters.

I admit, its a little dumb that me, an fbi agent hasn't walked away from Shane. But I've tried. And I almost died. Well, I did die. Shane gave me cpr, I wish I had just stayed dead. And after 15 minutes of being dead, I somehow came back. 

I still have the scars to show it. And I'm not going through that again.

But I shake my head because now this job is what makes me want to live.

People smile at me as I make my way up to the 4th floor. And as I push open the door leading into our section of the building, I clear my throat. 

'Hey My names Lydia, Lydia Tane. But please don't call me Tane. Lydia is just fine'  

They all turn to stare at me.

'Penelope Garcia! Nice to meet you. You're beautiful.'

She hugs me and I flinch a little but awkwardly hug her back and thank her. Telling her she looks stunning. 

'Jennifer Jareau but I go by JJ.' 

I nod to her. I obviously don't like a lot of psychical contact but so far there's been no issues with that other than the awkward hug.

'Emily Prentiss, nice to meet you. It's nice that we'll finally have the same amount of girls on this team that we do guys.'

I smile. 

A man walks in.

'Derek Morgan, at your service mamas.'

I nod lightly with a grin.

I think this is just his personality but any guy talking to me freaks me out a little since Shane. And Derek is huge, buff. If he hit me it would hurt. But realistically I know that no guy would hit me on this team. Only screwed up men hit women. And everyone so far seems lovely.

'Rossi. Nice to meet you.'

'Right back at you' I say.

'uh- spencer- Spencer Reid.'


I smile at him. He looks nice. Kind. Out of all of the men in this room hes the one I'd be the most comfortable around. Derek is too big. Rossi scares me a bit. He's quiet, and has this serious look on his face.

And quiet minds are always the most chaotic.

So for now Reid is at the top of my list. He awkward, but in a good way. And seems gentle. Not a threat.

Aaron Hotchner walks in. I met him when I got interviewed, so I already know his face a little.

'Aaron Hotchner, Agent Tane. Nice to see you again, you seemed by far the best out of all the options we chose from and I think you're what we need. Just call me Hotch.'

'Nice to see you again sir, and please just address me by my first name, Lydia. ' I repeat quietly but firmly.  Being called 'Tane' brings back so many ugly memories.

I mentally move Hotch to Derek's spot on my 'I'd be terrified to be alone with you' list. Derek and him are looking really scary right about now.

'Of course. But we'll get to know you better later. We've got a case and we've got to get going now. Oh and Lydia, here's your gun.'

I nod a thanks and follow the others towards the room where I'm assuming we'll get briefed on this case. I can't believe I'm finally at the BAU. I can't believe I'll be carrying a gun around on me now.


Hey guys, bit of a short chapter and not very interesting but I wanted to say I haven't forgotten about you, schools just been hectic. 

I'm writing this at 1;15 am on a Monday night. Well I guess it's technically Tuesday now. And I have to be up at 8. Ew. 

I'll try to update again soon, possibly in the next day or so.

QUESTION 2: Black or White?

-Thanks for reading,

Author L xx

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