Chapter 9 - cult case (p1)

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"Derek we really don't have to do this right now," I whisper.

"I think we do. Do you want me to tell the whole team?"

I gasp.

"You wouldn't."

He shakes his head and I rewrap the cut.

I sigh.

"Don't make empty threats Morgan." I hiss. "And don't worry about it."

I quickly rush out of the bathroom and he grabs my shoulder,  leaving me to wince. "Stop."

He seems angrier than ever and is about to say something before Garcia comes around. "Everyone is wondering where you two are. What is taking so long?"

I rush up to her and nudge her. "Coming now."

She smiles. But frowns seeing Morgan's angry face.

"What's wron-"

She's interrupted as he brushes past us and into the conference room.


I nod.

"Nice of you to finally join us, tan- Lydia, and Morgan." Hotch corrects himself from using my last name.

"Sorry sir, just needed to talk to Morgan about something regarding our last case." the lie slips off my tongue easily. And Derek raises his eyebrows at this.

"Next time it can wait."

We both nod.

"Discovered in Kenya,  15 men have been found, all killed by strangulation. All within 1 week. Bodies placed under trees, tounges cut out. No torture, just quick death by strangulation. We think we are looking at a cult. Or a really angry group. Multiple fingerprints found on the bodies, none identifiable as of yet."

"Why are we just hearing about this now" Derek mutters.

"Maybe..... because it's East Africa," I comment.

Derek sighs and Emily giggles in agreement with me.

JJ speaks out. "No way to tell if they care about race, the population is primarily the same in Kenya, it would make sense that that is why all of these victims are the same race."

I agree, adding on.

"And I think we can definitely point to sex and gender preferences and rule out women as a preference, they are definitely targeting men."

Emily nods in agreement.

"Maybe they simply hate men" I state, sharing the same feeling.

"The lack of torture does not suggest much rage or hatred. They simply want to get a job done. Quick, efficient killing." Rossi replies.

Spencer: "They could be trying to rid the world of men?" 

It's silent and we're all thinking.

"Any news on who the victims are and what their lives were like?" Derek says, throwing this question towards Garcia.

"No, no yet. Trying to find anything I can though." 

Hotch nods in approval, thanking her.

"Wheels up in 20, let's get to East Africa, and quick." 

"I've always wanted to go to Kenya," Reid says. 

I smile.

Internally I am dying.


Shane will kill me.

"Did you know Kenya is home to the Big Five, also known as Lions, Elephants, Leopard, Rhinoceros, and Cape Buffalo? I hope I see a Rhino."

Derek Morgan Profiled me.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora