Chapter 4 - clues to the case

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Landing in Chicago,  we exit the jet. Derek and I are in the car, on the way to the Chicago police department. The others went in different cars.

''You ready for this case?'' Derek smiles at me.

I nod slightly. 

''I think it's going to be a sad one.''

Now he nods. 

''Our entire job is sad. Get used to it Tane. Except for the times we save people. That makes up for it a little.''

I shudder at my last name. Thinking about my past. It's all a little foggy. Creepy. 

My mind flashes back to him. My gym teacher. **

''Tane come with me,'' he whispers harshly, pushing himself against me while readjusting the basketball I was holding. I suck in a breath and shift uncomfortably when I feel his dick press into my lower area. I shudder and try to pull away, but he just holds me in place, making the other students think he's just re-adjusting my position and showing me how to hold this basketball correctly. Only a few others understand what he's actually doing. He doesn't do this to the guys. But a handful of the girls know what happens in the storage room. They know that when he's ''re-adjusting'' our sport position or showing us how to ''properly'' shoot a basketball, he just wants to get on us. squeeze our ass, our boobs. Grind against us. 

''Ah, ah ah. You'll be a good student and meet me in the storage closet, or I might just have to tell the teachers you've been being really inappropriate with me. Touching me. And who do you think they'll believe? Me? or the dumb girl who has daddy issues because her dad abandoned her and she wants attention?''

Today is the day I won't let him touch me. I won't let him. But in another five minutes, he's yanking me into the storage closet. And although I'm trying to pull away he's on top of me. 

''Be quiet Tane''

''I know you like this Tane.''


and I'm falling.

I can't get out of the storage closet.

He's touching me.

I'm not in Chicago, saving girls like me.

He's here right now.

Am I seriously in the storage closet again?

I thought he was gone.

I thought after I'd graduated and didn't have any class with him, he'd leave me alone.

but I'm back with him.

in the storage closet.

the stupid closet.



I snap out of it.

I'm shaking and I realize there's a man in front of me. 

Derek. It's Derek. He looks really concerned. I check my face and sigh in relief, knowing that my makeup is still intact, I didn't cry. I'm just a shaking mess.

''Hey, hey, what the hell just happened? We have to be at the police department in 2 minutes. We're here but if Hotch sees you like this he won't want you working this case. Are you OKAY?''

The shaking stops and I pull myself together. Derek reaches towards me, and I flinch away.

''I'm fine,'' I say. Opening the car door. 

Derek Morgan Profiled me.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora