Chapter 6 - it happened to you too? Didn't it?

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Obvious TW for a lot of things in this chapter.

It's a long process of pulling kids out and making them feel comfortable enough to talk to us. We knew this guy raped and killed the girls, but we suspected that before he did that, he probably touched them. Groped them. Got off to them. Before choosing his victim. Creep

This whole case makes me think of him. The man who touched and violated me for so many years. My stupid gym teacher. I shake the thoughts of him away. Surprisingly, he hasn't been affecting me too much anymore. Besides the nightmares and my last name, I was fine. I could handle someone touching me, I just didn't enjoy it. I breathe out a little as I realize that things have gotten so much better. The only thing that affects me is my last name. And it's just a name. I can get over that. I think I'm healing. And it feels great. 

Because of this, a smile is on my face as we pull the first girl out of class. I quickly wipe it off as I think about what we need to ask her. And what she might be going through when she's alone with Logar.

Emily gets her comfortable in the setup we have going on in an empty classroom. She looks at us nervously.

''Hey Emma,'' Emily says softly, remembering the list of names and the first one we're starting with. Emma.

''My name is Emily, and this is my friend Lydia. We're here to talk to you about what's been going on with the murders. How are you feeling?''

She laughs and plays with her sleeves. Clearly uncomfortable. ''Are you shrinks?'' 

I laugh back. 

''Not quite. We just want to talk to you.''

Emily nods in agreement.

''Do you like Mr.Logar Emma?''

She immediately stiffens, panic spreading across her face before she quickly collects herself, not wanting to show us her discomfort. 

Emily looks at me. We're both profilers. We know she's not comfortable at the mention of him. 

''He's alright, I guess.'' 

I sigh. I've been in her exact position. I know what she's feeling. She doesn't want anyone to know what he does. If someone had questioned my situation with the man who hurt me, I'm not sure I would've spoken out at the time either. Which is why I choose my next words carefully.

''You know, I don't get that vibe from him, he seems a little creepy, almost. What do you think Em?'' I say cautiously, hoping Emma will begin to trust us.

Emily nods. ''Yeah, I don't like that guy.''

Emma sighs in relief and mutters ''To be honest, I don't like him at all. He is a bit of a creep.''

I nod. 

''I definitely got that sense. Has he ever done anything inappropriate, Emma?'' I whisper lowly.

She stiffens again. 

''Like... what?''

She's on the verge of tears.

''I don't know..... like has he ever touched you, Emma?'' I say cautiously.

A tear falls out of her eye and Emily sighs. 

''He- he - no. no. It's fine. He's never done anything.''

I can't decide whether she's protecting herself, and she doesn't want to look weak, or if she's protecting him. He probably threatened her. 

''You know...'' I say,

''I think you're really strong Emma. You seem brave. And it wouldn't surprise me if maybe one day.... Mr. Logar decided he wanted to try and break you. Maybe he took you into one of the music rooms, and he touched you. I know you didn't like it. I know you probably thought he didn't mean to touch you like that, and then he probably did it again. And you probably tried to get him to stop, but he convinced you it was ok, or maybe he threatened you. Maybe both. I bet it eventually got worse, to the point where you didn't want to ever come to school again, or ever play music again,''

Derek Morgan Profiled me.Where stories live. Discover now